
  • Breath of Fire

    Seventh year, Harry receives a dragon necklace with magical powers. With his new alive dragon partner, Harry Takes on his final year in school as well as chasing down Voldemort once and for all.

  • Snow Sleeping

    Harry and Hermione sign up for extra credit that leaves them alone together in a muggle tent in the forrest. When Hermione's bag falls in the creek, how is she going to stay warm? HHr waff

  • Lip Locking 101

    Hermione teaches Harry how to kiss. Need I say more? Pg13 for light touching and intament moments.

  • Snow Blazin'

    snowball fight breaks out between boys and girls! Humour at first, but later is all HHr goodness.

  • Three of a Kind

    Sequel to "Life at the Burrow"; The gang now has their own place and must make it feel like home. Lots of friendship, goofing off, and a little romace.

  • I've Never

    What happens when you cross 11 Gryffindors, magical shot glasses and lots of secrets? One Excilent game of I've Never!

  • Life at the Burrow

    Harry has a row with his uncle and goes to live with Ron. The two decide to look into a place of their own. Plus, Ginny is so happy that her crush is with her all the time now...

  • Exchanging Love

    Harry gives Ginny an exchange diary, and they share it and their secrets with each other.

  • Harry Potter: Substanance

    Ginny gives into her desire one night and must break the news to Harry that he will be a father. How will he react to the news?

  • Die Another Day

    Harry was captured by Voldemort and tortured. This follows Ginny as she takes care of him after escaping.

  • Of Wolf and Man

    Ginny finds a 'wolf' with green eyes to befriend her, and tells him all of her secrets. How will Harry react after hearing this in his illegal animagus form?