
  • One way leads to diamonds: The tale of Thrandius

    Once a proud elven king, Thranduil did all he could to protect his people, and most of all, his son. When the end of the elves arrived, he was fully prepared to sail with Legolas. However, he did not expect a dwarf to be sailing with them as well. When it is realized that there is not enough room, Thranduil stays behind, however this decision changes him forever. Here is his story.

  • Cold November

    Thor and Loki decide to go camping with (as Loki points out) no plan and no supplies. So, here's a brotherly short story about a campfire because they're freezing, and who remembered to bring what because for once Loki may have forgotten the most important thing. NO slash!

  • I Used to Know

    When Arthur accidentally eats rat poison, Merlin has to save him with magic. Arthur only half remembers the experience, however soon Morgana hears about Merlin's supposed magic. With Morgana trying to get rid of Merlin, and Arthur now unsure about where Merlin's loyalties lay, the warlock is in very deep trouble. Will he be able to prove himself? eventual hurt/sad!Merlin No Slash

  • What's to Happen

    He's waited as everything around him changed, but finally his waiting may have come to an end. Yet there's always a price to pay, and now not only must Merlin join forces with a couple of teens who are completely unprepared, but he must also face world of disappointment when an old friend has forgotten far too much.

  • When it rains, it pours

    As usual, Merlin gets put in the stocks because Arthur's in a bad mood. Unfortunately the knight who's supposed to release Merlin is unable to follow out his order and so, unbeknownst to Arthur, Merlin is still in the stocks when a storm big enough to be a typhoon hits Camelot. Sick!Merlin Worried!Arthur Scared!Merlin No Slash

  • The Au Fait Robbery

    A donation of time for some foster kids. A visit to a children's fun house. John helping Lestrade's niece's foundation. It all seems rather innocent, until a masked man robs the foundation's safe, John disappears, and Sherlock is forced into a tight situation: steal an important government file from his own brother, or leave John at the hands of a kidnapper who means business.

  • The Siren's Song

    Stories whispered one night lit by a campfire caught Kili's mind ablaze, and despite his brother's reservations, Kili couldn't see how his plan could be bad. He couldn't see how anything truly bad could come of simply wanting to see a selkie. How could he have known he'd become entrapped by the plan, and have the bonds that matter most be tested at their limits. Kili!hurt/comfort

  • Golden Autumn

    The Durin family prepares for the autumn celebration, while Fili and Kili have their autumnal fun. A drabble in honor of it being the first day of autumn.

  • Before I go, Goodbye

    It's been years since the island, and Ralph has tried repeatedly to put it all behind himself. Now in a new flat, he thinks he can successfully hide from the past and move on. However, a visit from a red haired stranger may slowly make his plan crumble. Ralph becomes faced with a question: Run from the past, or save the man from the nightmare which could destroy both their futures

  • Remembrance

    Fili and Kili stay with Thorin while Dis goes to see a dwarf that lives outside of town. Unfortunately, Thorin isn't very interesting to the dwarflings. Fili and Kili go off to have some fun, but when Kili convinces Fili to go tree climbing, his brother gets hurt. Kili feels guilty, and knows he has to get his brother help, but only Fili knows the way back. Fili!Hurt. Kili!Angst

  • Toward the Shire

    When Fili and Kili leave, one small dwarf sees them as great heroes, but to their mum, they're just her two little dwarflings who she wants to see again. One shot of Kili and Fili leaving Dis for the Shire. Featuring a certain red haired dwarf!