
  • Bird Set Free

    On Kaiba Corp's dime the CEO-slash-majority-shareholder takes the Duel Monsters Grand Champion (and, informally, King of Games) out to lunch, and they discuss some shared ghosts.

  • Three Nights in Hateno Town

    A stranger arrives to town, underfed and overburdened and smelling like he'd spent the last hundred years sleeping in the woods, and changes everything. (botw from prima's pov)

  • Four or Five Moments

    Being a hero isn't a full-time job - rather, it's in the tough choices we make when everything is on the line. (Goku-centric, introspective, oneshot)

  • It Happened At Night

    A crisis has left Lloyd without a mentor. The world was not kind enough to give Regal a student - until they found each other, one night, near dawn. Regal agrees to train with Lloyd, which they discover may be mutually ennobling, in the end. (Follows the plot of the first game. Spoilers.)

  • unstoppable force, immovable object

    Something conspired, in humanity's darkest hour, to create them and bring them together. (Erwin/Levi; talk of sex & death; swearing.)

  • Staring Contest

    See, heroes go off and die in ditches. Cowards get hired by princesses and die in gilded beds, surrounded by weeping fans. (spoilers for A Link Between Worlds; swearing.)

  • Three Things We Said About Courage

    (And one thing he said about himself.) It is not an easy thing, being a hero. (SS/OoT/TP)

  • Adagio, At the End of the World

    A short retelling of the Cell Saga from an outsider's point of view. Strange things happen, but it's a part of what makes the world lovely.

  • Four Variations on a Theme of Childhood

    Strange circumstances brought inhuman children into the world - and nobody was left the same for it.

  • Into the Outrealm

    In a strange place, in a strange time, Robin runs into a very old friend. Oneshot; spoilers for Awakening.

  • A Little Place in the Wilderness

    Link wakes up on a strange island, inside the dream of the Wind Fish. Whose nightmare is this, really? Spoilers.

  • Blue

    She finds him uncharacteristically alone, at dusk, playing the blues. AU.

  • The Things We Wrote in the Dirt

    Set after the events of Season 4 (and kind of ignores the events of Season 5). A story about stories: things are changing on Earth, and things are changing in Bloom. Spoilers, oneshot.

  • The Law of Gravity

    (After the end.) Neku's trying to disentangle himself from it all, but there's still hell to pay. (spoilers for the endgame and secret reports)

  • Each to His Own Home

    With the fight against Cell over, Gohan is left alone to ponder the meaning of it all - his Saiyan blood, his father's sacrifice, and his tendency to hurt everyone close to him.

  • Two Variations on a Theme of Descent

    Hector descends to a place where only Canas can reach him. One part canon, one part derpy AU. FE7; spoilers for 27E/29H: Cog of Destiny.

  • Shooting Stars and Satellites

    The Spirit World, a trip by canoe, a love story. (set after the finale; korrasami)

  • A Man Like a Million Stars

    Conversations about Cell, a backyard wedding, and God shows up for tea.

  • Things We Lost in the Fire

    Love is hard and everything has changed. (Set in between Books 1 and 2; Makkora and a little Korrasami)

  • What the Water Gave Me

    This is not a love story. It starts, as most comedies do, with her and her twin brother hanging out outside the city limits. 17/18 origin story; oneshot.