OmegaRain Productions

  • Power Rangers: The War Of The Wizards: MMPR Season 1

    Two Brothers locked in a multi generational conflict. Zeran Smith shall aide and teach several generations of Power Rangers as he seeks to stop his brother Zerak the butcher from destroying Free Will Itself. Only one thing stands between Zerak and The Destruction Of Free Will. The Power Rangers.

  • Danny Phantom: Generation Ghost Season 1

    10 years into the Future Dan Phantom is the most powerful and Evil Ghost in all of the world however, there is hope. Two every day teenagers constantly on the run for their lives have been transformed into Halfas Half Human Half Ghost and now with Clockworks help they travel back in time in hopes of fixing the future. Will they Succeed or is it already too late? Parings inside

  • Pokemon A New Tale: Indigo League

    The Kids Of Giovanni have been living in Pallet Town in hiding from their Father For Years. Now at Age 13 they head out on their Journey to become a Pokemon Master Unknown to them what awaits them in the world Of Kanto.

  • Dragon Ball Z: The Princess Of Saiyans Arc 1: Shattered Bloodlines

    "A day will come when two tyrants will destroy a race of warriors. from that race two warriors will come and ascend to avenge their people." Is the Legend passed down in the Saiyan Legends. However, did the Saiyans ever expect one of the ones to bring it

  • Kim Possible: A New Sitch Season 1

    Years ago James Possible and John Lazurus formed Team Possible and Battled the forces of Evil. Now years later the two have settled down and started a family however, unknown to them Fate has plans to bring Team Possible Back. This is A New Sitch! Jack/Monique, Kim/Ron, OC/Canon.

  • The Legend Of Zelda: The Heroine Of Salvation

    Hyrule has entered it's darkest hour since it's creation. Ganondorf the King Of Darkness has done the un thinkable. He has Killed The Hero Of Time along with Capturing The Princess Of Destiny. Now The Goddess head back in time in hopes of preparing him better but are they already to late?

  • Yu-Gi-Oh GX!: A New Beginning: Season 1 Prolouge

    A New Generation Is Upon Us! The Next Generation Is here and are headed towards Duel Academy! Join Katsuro Muto and his friends as they go though a school that prepares students for the PDL and looks for the Next "King Of Games". Katsuro/Alexis, Ayumu/Judai, Kumiko/Jun and More.

  • Drake and Josh in Megan's Love

    It is Sophomore Year in High School and everything is going good for Megan. Until one day she meets a new Sophmore and slowly begins to fall in love with her. With Drake's Help will she sweep this girl off her Feet or will it end in disaster? Megan/Rachel.

  • Together, Forever?

    After the attack on the WTC on 9/11 10 years ago and losing her sister. One Kayla Sikowitz moves to LA and enters Hollywood Arts and meets up with Tori and the gang. Along the way she notices Tori is hiding something and begins playing Match Maker but she never planed on falling in love herself. Oc/Cat Jade/Tori. Special Thanks To White Lightening for helping.