
  • Delivering Mail

    Mindy is new in Cappy Town, just new to the world outside of her old home, she may take time to settle down. But it doesn't take too long for her to fall head over heals for a certain snail. She may not tell anyone or even come clean with herself until months pass and her heart is soon yelling at her to admit feelings that she had. EscargoonXOC

  • River Crown ONESHOT

    Who knew making flower crowns could lead to such a perfect day. First reader insert and I wanted to do one with Holy Rome because he's just so cute! So yeah if it sucks just forgive me, I've never done a story like this... So I hope you enjoy it!

  • Days of our Derp

    Dedede want's to come clean with his feelings. But one of his workers! Why do his feelings go to one simple worker of his? You're welcome Luna, I said I'd make this and I did. ONE-SHOT DEDEDExWADDLEDERP SHIPPING!