
  • Scissors

    Each time something went wrong, or if he just did not felt right, the song of scissors sang cutting the troubles away (Gunther/Jane)

  • 10 Year Plan

    Gunther's the man with the plan, right? (Gunther/Jane)

  • Words I Can Never Say

    At the age of 306, you would think that he would understand the difference of such feelings as romance and like like. (Dragon/Jane) Written as request for SkyeElf using the prompt "And then my heart stopped"

  • Favorite Place

    What is Dragons favorite place? Perhaps it's closer then we think. (Jane/Dragon) Inspired by chapter13 of "People Change, Dragons Don't" by Shay-na-na (And written as thanks for her hard work)

  • Never Too Late

    What defines love? Some would say that there is a time and place, or a secret formula for the perfect romance, but that's not true in this case. It may sound absurd, but what if the only limits were the ones your heart set in place? A series of drabbles concerning a redheaded knight and her mentor. (Sir Theodore/Jane)

  • Too Much

    "I was the boy who wished for too much" A poem fic (Gunther/Jane)

  • Honesty

    "For once, I want to be deathly honest even if it hurts" (Gunther/Jane)

  • Bitterness

    "What can balance this bitter taste?" A poem fic (Gunther/Jane)

  • I Want To Hold Your Hand

    A series of drabbles about the castle boys, Sir Theodore, and Dragon wanting to hold Jane's hand.

  • Behind the Glass

    "On a sea of white bedsheets lies the shadow of a person I used to know." A poem fic (Jester/Jane)

  • Our Brushed Hands

    When their hands brushed, they knew (Jester/Jane)

  • Nevermind Those Talks of Folly

    "She despises me, but she's life." A poem fic (Gunther/ Jane)

  • Never Too Early For Battle Tactics

    Even in the womb, you could listen to battle tactics right? Just a look into married life. (Gunther/Jane)

  • Words

    Sitting around like a fool, Jester tries to find the words he needs to say most. Poem fic

  • Gunthers Purpose

    After hearing some gossip, Gunther feels depressed about his life and how he feels about himself.(Gunther/Jane)

  • What Should I Do With My Life?

    "I wish I could fly" Jane and the steps she took to achieve her dream. Written in children's book way.

  • Healing

    Gunther was moving casks of salt until a red headed distraction came along (Gunther/Jane)

  • My Elizabeth

    Sherlock and his lingering thoughts on Elizabeth. A poem fic

  • A Mother's Opinion

    Rakes mother said love was going to bring him down. With a little help from friend and foe can he make his feelings known? Can an apple really fix all your problems? (Rake/Pepper) Written as a request for SkyeElf

  • Mismatched Heart

    My version of mismatched, combined with SkyeElf's prompt "Ugly Heart". Written as request for SkyeElf. (Jane/Gunther)(Jane/Jester)