
  • Emmett

    Poem fic of an ordinary Lego man

  • Jester's Mom Visits

    When jesters mom visits, will she figure out his unrequited love ? Will she play match maker? Or cause trouble? Jester/Jane

  • Agoraphobia

    Agoraphobia: is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and often avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed. As Gunther's health is declining, he leaves his room less and less. But he knows if things don't change, he'll perish. With Jane's help, can he get over his fears before it's too late? Jane/Gunther

  • Warrior Heart

    Sequel to "Jester's Troubling Proposal"

  • Broken Puppet

    Jester is broken, he can't move or talk, but can only stare. Poem fic.

  • Jesters Sweet Surprise

    Jane said she had something for Jester. She tells him to close his eyes, and he wonders what exactly it is? Is it a hug and kiss ? Or is it a gift from the heart?

  • How Gunther Proposed to Jane

    "Do you know about the tears I have shed? And how much I have screamed? I was so miserable, wishing that this aching heart would go away. Or the days that I wished I was dead? I regret all the bad words I have said, if I hurt your feelings, I'm so, so sorry. It doesn't matter anymore, but what does matter are my feelings for you." Jane/Gunther

  • Lavinia loves Gunther

    Gunther is Lavinia's personal guard. When she was younger, she used him as her personal toy, as the years went by, she started to see him in a different light. When the princess confesses her feelings for Gunther, will he return her feelings? Can she get him to see her as a woman? Can this forbidden, unrequited love become reality? Gunther/Lavinia

  • Let's Go Shopping!

    When jester goes shopping with Jane , will she realize she liked him more than she thought? Will he win her heart on their day off? Can jester leave the castle in his outfit or will he have to use a disguise? Will he be recognized? Can he show her a fun time? Can Jane let Jester know her true feelings? Jane/Jester

  • Falling From the Sky

    After Dragon disappears from midair, Jane starts falling to her death. As she's falling, she regrets not telling Jester her true feelings. This can be considered a one shot or Prequel to "Jane, a Dragon, a Wedding" Jane/Jester

  • Gunther's Lost Arm

    Gunther lost one of his arms in the war, and has lost the will to go on. Can Jane heal his saddened heart? Will Gunther be cruel to her? Or will her constant visits and lovely smile warm his hardened heart? Will Jane fall for the amputee Gunther? Will Smithy make a replacement arm that will let him become a knight again? J/G

  • Those Emerald Eyes

    Smithy likes Jane but is afraid, he's not good enough, will jane care? Will Jane confess her true feelings? Jane/Smithy

  • Gunther Gets Fat

    The ball is tonght and Jane has to go shopping with Gunther, whose clothes don't fit. When Jane finds herself attracted to an overweight Gunther, does she realize there is a possible chance she's in love with Gunther? J/G

  • Jane, a dragon, and Wedding

    Its Jane's and Jesters wedding day. But what will happen when an enemy army appears? Can Jester tell Jane his real name? Will there be a wedding before its wrecked? And when she offers herself as a bride to whoever is the champion of the battle, who will win? Will someone else steal Jane's heart? A story with most of the charcters and a few new ones RxR (1000 VIEWS!)

  • Jester, the funny doctor

    I cannot heal physical ailments, but I can make you smile, I cannot take away the pain, but I'll make it easier for you to handle. I know you cannot forget that tragic day now, but I'll love you with all of my being. It's a yearly struggle, but we will get through it together. Rated T for character death J/J

  • Porky Promise

    Prequel to "Pig Loves Smithy"

  • Jane and the Masquerade Ball

    Tonight's the masquerade ball, and I'm supposed to meet someone. Our fleeting encounter is double the mystery. Let us meet on the eclipse when the day, night and moon are one.

  • Pig Loves Smithy

    I love him but he cannot understand me, because I'm a Pig. When pig tells dragon that she wished she could be with Smithy, what will he do? And when a pretty blond plumpy girl shows up, will she catch Smithy's attention or will Gunther want a piece of the action as well? Smithy/Pig, Jane/Jester

  • Lovesickness

    It's hard to breathe when I'm with her, will she notice my feelings? Please notice me notice my heart. Do I have to keep this a secret? Or do i give up this unbearable love? J/G

  • For the love of Dragon

    I have these feelings i don't understand. I love you Dragon, but were not the same kind. Can I give you my heart? Or is our love not possible? Will Dragon return my love? Or will he tell me that he doesn't feel the same? Contains most of the cast. Jane/Dragon