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  • Gotta Question For You

    In which Justin takes Lisa to New York and she loves it.

  • Up all night

    In which Ginny saves Hermione's bachelorette party with the help of Luna and a few Gryffindor boys.

  • Stop Right There

    Pansy and her friends want a girl's night, and maybe Pansy uses an Unforgiven Curse, but it's all okay now.

  • An Eternity Under the Snow

    Scorpius and Lily kiss for the first time. For Lexi.

  • The Sweetest Moment

    Queen Maeve is a travelling teacher, going from village to village to help people learn more about magic, and the people love her so much they throw her a celebration.

  • A blue tea for your peace and joy

    For her Potions exam, first-year Hermione Granger finds her muse in someone she usually disdains. Unknown to her, she's Draco's inspiration too.

  • As the waves move on

    After Vernon's death, Dudley takes Petunia to the same beach where she taught him how to swim.

  • Dance, Posture and Stance

    Broadway!AU - Hermione conducts an audition for the new theatre company, and she's dumbstruck when Lorcan Scamander takes the stage as if he were born in one.

  • The First Five Minutes

    The 100!AU - The trees are unlike those from his dreams; the trunk goes higher than he has ever believed a tree could go and the foliage is greener. The white light of The Phoenix's light bulbs can't be compared to the soft light that filters through the treetops. This –the Earth– is lovelier when seen from the ground.

  • Piety

    Gods&Goddesses!AU. To ascend, people must believe in him. The Acolytes have said countless times that he isn't fit for the responsibility of being a god, and if Tom can't become one he will make one. From his faith, a goddess ascends.

  • Seven Years

    Their relationship is unexpected but not unwanted. Xeno and Pandora throughout their seven years at Hogwarts.

  • Merciful Friend

    Tom is a good friend. He will be Ginny's companion and he will protect Luna.

  • The Song of his Ancestors

    James didn't care about disregarding a tradition if it meant keeping the Cloak.

  • Queen you shall be

    She is something else entirely and Tom can't ignore her even as other shun her for her choices.

  • Tales Of The Sneak

    A collection of drabbles about the Weasley family, mostly featuring angst, drama, and a little bit of romance.

  • Burning bridges

    Remus receives a letter concerning his status as an unregistered dark creature that pushes him to the Dark Lord's side. Slytherin!Remus.

  • Hogwarts' Halls

    Series of unrelated drabbles, all of which happen at Hogwarts. Chapter 1: Blaise/Parvati.

  • The wrong reasons

    Albus Dumbledore firmly believes love can overcome all difficulties, even if the love comes from all the wrong reasons.

  • Determination

    Dominique didn't like her copper coloured hair; maybe changing its colour with a potion would let her have something in common with Teddy.

  • Apocalyptic Fury

    Su romance es inusual– la bruja y el mago que se considera más criatura que humano.