
public static void

  • En las fauces del lobo

    Remus has spent his life trying to become more human, and then comes the wolf to take him home. Set before PoA.

  • Pink and Gold

    Drabble collection of my entries for the Femslash Drabble Tag over at HPFC forum. Different pairings.

  • Take Me Home

    Harry and Ginny don't love each other. They're friends who like being together but don't want to commit because it's what everyone wants except them. A few weeks before their already planned wedding, they break up and go on with their lives. Ch 1/17.

  • By the fire

    Alecto can't sleep until she's with Fenrir.

  • Not alone

    Harry and Ginny have a conversation about Tom Riddle's death, where they find out some things about themselves.

  • love me before we lose ourselves in the dark

    People assume she was forced into a marriage she didn't want, but how could they know the truth was more romantic?

  • Child of Magic

    Tom arrives at Hogwarts as a muggleborn orphan. He dies in Hogwarts as the most beloved child of magic.

  • Never Enough

    A kiss in the middle of a battle will never be enough for Neville, and he vows to survive to be able to give Luna the best of him. Drabble collection for Sophy.

  • Conflict

    Ron didn't know what to do. Malfoy was on the ground, half kneeling and pleading, openly crying out things Ron didn't know how to take. He couldn't hate Malfoy when he deserved only pity, but for the life of him, Ron couldn't pity him either.

  • Nettle and Peppermint

    Ginny visited her mother, knowing she would have many things to say about her pregnancy.

  • Snowstorm

    He had no reason to doubt Bellatrix, but he had no reason to believe her either. The Dark Lord could kill them if he agreed to spy on his most trusted servant, but Vincent couldn't say No to that delightfully cruel smile. For Eriamaude.

  • Soulless

    Bill Weasley loved power and that led him to the path of a curse-breaker. The same fascination with power left him trapped inside a book.

  • Greater Than Death

    For Lucius, Lily was more than an obsession that ended up being greater than death.

  • What He Owes

    The trial of his wife's murder went as Blaise expected, but for reasons he didn't understand completely. The result, though, was more than what he expected.

  • Tempest

    "You are what I'm looking for, young wizard," she purred, walking circles around Barty who had just noticed his father's terrified glance. "Will you come with me, or will I have to take you?"

  • The weight of his glory

    The floor was cold. When Harry put his left foot down and it touched the wooden floor of the dorm, he shivered. He brought down the other foot and stared at the floor for a second, already feeling the need to go back to bed before his day officially began.

  • He wouldn't care

    They have never liked each other, not even before they met. The prejudice of their fathers was passed down onto them, and when they were children neither questioned their word. Then, Ron found Draco Malfoy in Myrtle's bathroom.

  • Death is a thing

    Ravenclaw!Regulus meets Petunia Evans at a party, and they argue about intelligence and lithium. When he goes missing a couple of weeks later, she's the only one worried.

  • Perfect Plan

    To Lucius, the offer is about getting back what he needs to remain sane and dignified. To Hermione, it means getting her wishes one way or the other. Hint at Dark!Trio.

  • Broken Man

    AU. Voldemort won the Battle at Hogwarts and killed Lucius' family. Now he's being rewarded one of the discarded pieces of a rebellion, someone who will be wanting vengeance as badly as him.