
public static void

  • Deadly Dance

    Chadwick heard the wand's chant and knew it meant danger, destruction and death. He wouldn't let it come to that.

  • Reconciliation

    At their family barbecue, Dudley and Cho receive unexpected guests.

  • Sitting this one out

    Even if President McGillyguddy refused to fight alongside the No–Majs, she still smiled when they used the same name for their country as the one the wizarding community did.

  • The colours come through

    After everyone at Hogwarts learns of Ginny being who opens the Chamber of Secrets, she needs someone to listen.

  • The simple life

    is the most rewarding. Neville and Hannah enjoy a simple, meaningful life that not everyone can understand.

  • Incredibly and shockingly

    Three colours that represented their relationship and how it grew.

  • I have always been here

    He had betrayed them all already. It wouldn't be any different to do so again in this place that was eerily similar to his own but vastly different.

  • A visit most productive

    Tom didn't think he could find out anything about himself in a joke shop.

  • A future so clear

    The evident doubt of what happens after Hogwarts is answered in two things: the past so wonderful at her side, and their surprisingly good improvisation at life.

  • The possibility of ice cream

    Hermione was sure Ron loved her, but it wasn't in him to be romantic. Which is why she suspected there was something he wanted to say.

  • We'll see in colour

    Harry was afraid he might never get to see the world in colour as his parents did, but Neville had an alternative and he might as well take it. Soulmate!AU. Warnings: mentions of drug use.

  • Unbreakable in grey

    Ginny spent the first time of her life with her brothers hand me downs and the second with her mother's clothes from when she was a teenager. Now, she enlists Gabrielle to help her find her own style.

  • Another dream

    You see the madness in Gellert and use it as his weakness. The vulnerability he shows is what makes you fear you will never achieve those goals, those pure and novel ideas he has. Well, if you don't, there's always the tree on Melancholy Hill.

  • La Cantata del Diablo

    AU. Tom Riddle has been Harry's friend since they stepped into Hogwarts for the first time, not caring about being in different houses, but as their seventh year at Hogwarts arrives, Harry discovers that maybe Tom has been hiding something from him. And he doesn't care as he much as he should.

  • A train to board

    They were nowhere, but they had a destination to reach.

  • Meant to protect

    The Wizard's Council was founded to protect the wizards from threats, but also to protect the magical world from those wizards. Elfrida Clagg was the woman who stood and called out a halt to the chase of the Golden Snidget, no matter how unpopular that made her. Canon character.

  • Cinco de Mayo makes the heart grow fonder

    Luna took it upon herself to care for George and the Weasleys after Fred's death. A year after, she travelled to Mexico for a celebration of Cinco de Mayo and stayed there for one year. George wanted her to know how much he missed her.

  • Mamma's always right

    After his final year at Hogwarts, Blaise is worried about his future. His friends seem to have already found their calling, even if unhappiness clings to them. Blaise is different from them and all he wants is to enjoy the little things in life.

  • When I didn't know you

    Poem. Things change when you get to know your mother's surname.

  • We'll turn this life into something good

    Merope didn't plan to survive. She thought she would only get to be the woman who named him. Yet, she lived to love her little snake.