

  • Heightened

    [powers!AU; canon-era; é/e] The world rights itself, resuming its spin, and Enjolras moves to her, moves in front of her, his hands still trembling gold and fire. She is sure he has never glowed brighter to her, and despite the fear everything is right. In that moment she is marble and he is the lover of liberty. And then everything is ablaze.

  • One Summer More

    There are many ways to fall in love with someone, but sometimes the best way is to do so is learning to love them one aspect at a time. Alternately, how Éponine and Enjolras realize the best thing for both of them is each other over the course of three summers, two photographs, and one unforgettable journey.

  • Three Times the Potters

    Albus Severus decides to time-travel back with his siblings and cousins to change the past— three times the Potters— three times the fun, right? Nope, it's more like three times the chaos! Watch as these kids get themselves into more trouble than they could have ever imagined, dragging Harry, the Marauders and even Snape, in their wake. [COMPLETE]

  • Worthy

    Poetry in the style of Ellen Hopkins telling the Prince's Tale. /I now had someone to tell my fears to and she now had someone to soothe hers./

  • Creating Something Beautiful

    She was light, and he was darkness. He wanted every bit of light she was and part of her craved for the darkest part of him. But in the end, they both created something beautiful; love. One-shot RemusDora.

  • Empty

    Empty. That's what he called himself because she was gone and there was no one else to remind him of who he was. VicTeddy.

  • Especially

    "You win," he said, "I give up!" Harry James Potter threw his arms open as Lily Luna Potter tackled her father, giggling and gurgling, a silvery cloak fluttering off her shoulders and onto the grass.

  • One Twin Ago

    Ron couldn't stand the way George was acting. George Weasley had locked himself in the flat above the shop that had housed 'Mr. and Mr. Weasley.' Ron had known only Fred would be able to convince his twin. "Take it, George. It's the stone- just turn it."

  • A Tale of Four Marauders

    An awesome collection of various events in the lives of the famous Marauders. Presented by Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.

  • It Wasn't Fair

    Petunia Evans was always outshone by her sister. She thought he would be different. She should have really known it wasn't going to be fair. PExSS One-shot.

  • They Were Young

    Severus Snape and Lily Evans have finally received their Hogwarts letters. Lily reminds Severus that they don't need to grow up just yet. SSLE One-shot.

  • Spellbound

    Lily Evans has James Potter spellbound, in the best and worst way possible. LLJP One-shot.

  • Tickle Me Voldemort

    Fred & George Weasley get a horribly brilliant idea - hilarity ensues.