

  • Bad Habits

    More Habitlex, also pretty gory but much less so than 'A Force of Habit'. Let's see how many Habitlex fics I can make using bad puns as titles before it gets too far out of hand, shall we? MH/EMH crossover (categorizing is hard on this site ok), nsfw.

  • A Force of Habit

    "Damn. I kind of wanted another go at you. I thought you were a bit more durable than that." ((Marble Hornets/EverymanHYBRID crossover. I had a very hard time categorizing this because category and included character selecty thingies but this is a Habitlex fic for tumblr user dasgraeuel. Very, very, very nsfw and very, very gruesome. Not for the faint of heart.))

  • Everything Is Normal, Everything Is Fine

    Another day, another motel, another secret, another confession. (weeee tiny little Jam fic for tumblr user beanybooboo)

  • Inverse

    Well, theshippingturtle's robot AU now has an AU. This is getting out of hand. Inverse is essentially the answer to "What if Tim was the robot maker and Jay was the robot?". This is the cute, fluffy Jam fic that doesn't constantly result in horrible heartbreak! Yay for AUs where everything goes right for once! Marble Hornets -theshippingturtle's Robot AU - potentially nsfw.

  • No More Secrets

    Marble Hornets - Entry #66 - A tiny little Jam fic. After Tim gives up his secrets, Jay tries to provide comfort by giving up his own.

  • Recording

    One week. For one week, he has a relapse that both of them benefit from. And once a night, every night, that little red recording light flickers to life. Jam - NSFW - Marble Hornets - Cover art done by Tumblr user: theshippingturtle.

  • Hopefully

    Adorable fluffy Jam dialogue by request of MultiNo1Gamer! [Marble Hornets - Jam - Fluffy adorableness]