
  • Feed Me Love

    "I know why you don't feel like celebrating and I understand. I do. I can't blame you for not wanting this day to be a holiday. But it's a holiday to me. You were born on this day, Oliver. You're the one person I love most and I can't not love the day you were born, because without that day I wouldn't have you." - "Little Things" Series 2/10. Olicity.

  • Practice Makes Perfect

    Roy and Thea babysit their niece and nephew while Felicity and Oliver are having a rare night off. Naturally, chaos ensues. Fluffy Future Fic for iloveyourintimate on Tumblr.

  • For Better or for Worse

    Oliver felt like he might snap if the doctor recited yet another statistic at him. The older man nodded taking the hint and left them alone in the room. "We can get through this," Oliver said quietly, returning to his seat beside Felicity. "We'll get through it…" He willed himself not to panic when she offered no response. - pregnancy trope. warning: deals with Ectopic Pregnancy.

  • Merlyn Meet Arthur

    "Tommy, as a child, wanted a puppy for Christmas, which he would have called "Arthur", to pair with him being a "Merlyn" Season 1 ep. 16 "Dead to Rights" AU. Merlance. Cuteness ahead.

  • The Power He Knows Not

    Halloween. 31st of October 1981. To the Wizarding World this day marks the fall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. To Lily and James Potter it marks the day that Love Prevailed. A story of Courage, Loss and most of all Love. LxJ !Character Death. My first dive into the HP Fandom, constructive criticism is very appreciated. A bit on the short side, but give it a try. You might like it.

  • Brother of the Bride

    "You threatened him, didn't you?" Felicity asked Oliver quietly, as they watched the young couple declare their love for each other. "Only a little." Oliver replied with a grin. Future Fic. Established Olicity Roy/Thea

  • All You Need is Love (And a Nosy Little Queen)

    "So, it looks like we're going to Paris," . "Says who?" Oliver asked, leaning back into his chair, grateful for the distraction. "Said incorrigible sister of yours… I even have the tickets to prove it." Felicity waved the plane tickets in front of her like a fan. Unestablished Olicity. Friends to Lovers. Set in the not-so-distant future. Fluff/humor/Team Arrow time. For LoudVoice

  • This is Home (Now I'm Finally Where I Belong)

    It's been eight months since she's last seen him. Eight months since she stood in that same airport and sent him off to the other part of the world. No matter that all she wanted was to do was keep him with her or go with him. Unfortunately, neither had been an option at the time. - Olicity AU

  • Wakey Wakey

    After years of being deprived of it, Oliver enjoyed sleeping in. - Part 3/10 of the "Little Things" Series. For seacoloredeyes on Tumblr. Established Olicity. Future!fic

  • Is This Real Life or is it Just Fantasy

    Gazing at her now as she slept in his arms, Oliver was once again swept by the strong desire to kiss her. Rationally, he knew he should let her sleep and that by waking her he risked having the digital alarm clock to be aimed at his head for interrupting her rest (again), but like previously stated Oliver was selfish. "Little Things" Series 1/10.

  • She's Your Laurel

    Post 02x07. Tommy is Alive AU. Oliver and Tommy talk about Oliver killing the Count and breaking his promise. Based on a prompt I got on Tumblr. Olicity / Merlance