

  • Letters

    Letters to John, by Sherlock and letters to Sherlock, by John. Later on there might be some more characters. Written by me and my little sister. MAY NOT MAKE SENSE

  • Living With Otters

    The Doctor and River get into a fight, and River leaves him. Alone. With otters.

  • From Out of the Dark

    Set after Listen, Clara has insisted that after the Doctor's little head injury, that he spend the night in her apartment after she returned from her little visit with Dan Pink. THIS IS NOT A CLARA/DOCTOR SHIP THING. It's more like a comfort thing.

  • Torchwood Four

    Torchwood Four is recently put back on the map and Jack, now head of Torchwood Three, goes as an 'Inspector' to see what they are up to. What he finds, however nowhere even near horrible as Torchwood One, is still a shock. Set before Owen gets killed and comes back as a zombie... Thingy...

  • Sixteen Years of London

    With the Ponds gone, the Doctor mops about for a bit, then goes to River to find out she's pregnant, quite far along actually and it's the Doctor's. With River back in Stormcage, he has no choice but to raise little Amelia Pond Smith all by himself. And he finds out that it's actually not that bad.

  • Lost in Translation

    The TARDIS translation circuit breaks and the Doctor has to fix it with the help of the Ponds. Problem- The Doctor doesn't actually speak English. Doctor!Whump

  • Animal

    During a trip to a market, both Rose and the Doctor are taken. Rose gets sent to an alien zoo and put into the breeding program while the Doctor is sent to a farm to be used for labor. The Doctor should out a plan to free Rose while avoiding his new owner's wrath.

  • Missing Thoughts

    Third part to the Lost in Translation series, and hopefully the last. Will the mystery of the little girl be revealed? And what will happen since the last cliffhanger?

  • From Bad to Worse

    The long awaited sequel to Lost in Translation! Will the Doctor's recovery go as planned? Or will it just go downhill? And what about the little girl? Doctor!Whump

  • Dead Lock:To Be Renamed

    In which John is dead. And so's Sherlock. And Sherlock's also rotting.

  • The Mummy

    Set during the latest Doctor who episode, Mummy on the Orient Express. What if the Doctor didn't figure it out in time? For a lack of a better title, it's The Mummy!

  • If Only Someone Loved You

    A short little piece inspired by the feel destroyers of Tumblr. Please read. Basically the last bit of Doomsday, the infamous scene on the beach. And I'm making it even worse! Muhaha!

  • He Sold Me Out For Cake

    Kid!Lock. Would Mycroft really sell his little brother out for a piece of cake? Answer inside!

  • Losing Handles

    Set during The Time of the Doctor when he loses Handles. What was going through his mind when Handles finally died?

  • The Ponds get Yarn Bombed

    The Ponds wake up one morning to see everything they own covered in yarn. Who did this? One-Shot.

  • Nightmare

    While strolling the TARDIS, Amy stumbles upon the Doctor's room and discovers he is having a nightmare. Hurt/Comfort type thing, I suppose. One-shot.