
the eye of the panda

  • Please Friendzone Me!

    Videl falls for Gohan. She falls fast, and she falls hard, and she is NOT happy about it. Hoping it could help her get over her stupid crush, she decides that Gohan needs to put her firmly in the friendzone. Surely, then, she would be able to move on, right? And it's not like Gohan likes her back anyway. Or... does he?

  • The Perks of the Unexpected

    It has been one year, and he's planned out the best anniversary ever for their date. Only, things don't always go as planned... and sometimes, they even turn out better. OneShot

  • When in Doubt, Turn to Books

    Oddly enough, reading romance had helped his situation in an unexpected way in the end. Instead of giving him advice like he had hoped for, it gave him an opportunity. - Extract. Post-Buu. OneShot.

  • L'imprévu a du bon

    Cela faisait un an qu'ils étaient ensemble, et Gohan avait tout prévu pour passer le plus bel anniversaire pour son rendez-vous avec Videl. Seulement voilà, les choses ne se passent pas toujours comme prévu... et parfois, elles se révèlent encore meilleures. OneShot.

  • Regarde le ciel

    Parfois, on oublie que les choses les plus simples de la vie sont les plus belles. Heureusement que Gohan est là pour le rappeler à Videl. OneShot.

  • Look at the Sky

    Sometimes, you need to be reminded of the simple things in life. OneShot.

  • Take Me Flying

    It was only the first day, and yet she was straining herself so hard, even though she was clearly out of energy. Seeing Videl so discouraged that she wasn't able to fly yet, Gohan can't help offering to take her flying, wanting to show her what it's like to be soaring through the sky. It was odd how such a tiny detail could change so much. Rated M for a reason. ;) OneShot.