
  • waiting for the bus to come

    It's spring now, and it's getting warmer—even the brief shower that had surprised them on the way to school this morning is all but forgotten. Her umbrella is dry, the late afternoon sunlight paints Her in an ethereal glow, and Her smile is a million miles away. Her eyes remain fixated on some point down the road, eternally waiting for the bus to come and snatch Her away forever.

  • softly, eventually

    [DGS2 spoilers] A collection of assorted hmmk-drabbles. Updates every once in a while.

  • Why They're So Strong

    Even in their desperate search for an unknown end, the children stand strong- each with their own kind of strength. [drabbles; various character-centric;]

  • Out of Beta

    In which Haruka develops a game to gain his favourite Let's Player's attention. Somewhat AU-ish HaruTaka-oneshot;

  • My Favourite Unfavourable Idiot

    Admittedly, she had been drawn in by him, too, all those years ago.