
  • Waiter, There's A Lady In My Coffee

    Daphne asks Niles not to see so much of Frasier so they can be together more. "Brothers To The End" results in Niles concealing his visits with Frasier which leads Daphne down a hallway of misconception. Boy, is Daphne going to laugh when she realizes Niles isn't secretly dating someone else, isn't she? Isn't she?

  • Coffee At Midnight In Seattle

    It's Black Friday. Niles detests pushing through crowds and pandering for parking spaces, but his wife (Daphne) needs him to join her and the evening turns into a splendor of romance throughout the night under the Seattle Moon.

  • Your Mother Is Resting

    One-Shot. This is an expanded part of my story "Daphne Moon Married Me Again". Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  • Daphne Moon Married Me Again

    Sequel from Daphne Will You Marry Me... Again.

  • Don't Help Me Please

    Niles bumps his head. He's in no real danger, but every time he slips out of consciousness, he lives the dreams of being with Daphne. Has he reached heaven? Heaven indeed when it involves his beloved Daphne.

  • The Locked Door

    Niles is a great therapist, but he's not used to conversing through a locked door. This is my first One-Shot. I dedicate it to Kristen. I hope you enjoy it.

  • The Knight of the Fallen Moon

    Daphne is being sued by a high-profile business tycoon for everything she has: her car and her life savings, which she planned to use to visit her family in Manchester. Frasier and Martin are doing everything they can to help her, but it isn't enough. She started crying herself to sleep every night. If there truly is a Superman, where is he now?

  • Dream Chaser

    After Daphne bumps into a stranger who tries to woe her, she tells him that she is married, but he follows her into the mall. If ever she needed an instant husband, now was the time. She runs into the arms of a familiar face - Niles. She kisses him in front of the stranger to make him believe they are married. It's the kiss that sparks an evening they won't soon forget.