Leo Septem

  • Dovahsenil

    What Louise wanted was a dragon, the greatest and strongest of all familiars. What she got was not quite what she expected, but exactly what she wanted.

  • Through the World Door

    Saito Hiraga, the Gandalfr, has finally returned to his homeworld of Earth after a year of trials, suffering, and enslavement in the land of magic and monsters, Halkeginia. But even on Earth, he is not safe from the supernatural. And even on Earth, he may just find himself bound by the chains of servitude once more...

  • Those Who Bear the Name of Dragons

    The Last Dragonborn, christened Ysmir by the Greybeards, has been sent hurtling through time and space by his foe, Alduin. Now, he meets those that take up the name of dragons in the new era: Dragonslayers.