

  • I Fooled Around (I Fell In Love)

    Merlin is a bestselling yet uninspired author living in the US who needs a change in his life. Tragedy brings him back home and an old friend offers him a teaching job. (Because there are so many HighSchool!AUs and not nearly enough CollegeTeacher!AUs) (WIP)

  • They Tumble Blindly As They Make Their Way

    The Doctor hadn't taken another companion since Manhattan and his visit to a parallel universe did nothing but convince him he's better off alone. Spoilers are a thing of the past yet secrets are what lie hidden ahead in the Doctor's future. - Sequel to 'Justify My Thoughts Of Flight' (WIP)

  • Pages Left To Write On (We Will Fill It With Words)

    In which I live a Pond Life and so that means I have need of various one-shots (some two parters) of mostly PondCentric family moments; meaning here you will find strictly the father-daughterness/mother-daughterness bonding that hardly got any screentime with some space idiot/wife one dayness on the side. So without further ado I am starting this series with father-daughter feels.

  • It's All Fun and Games Until

    According to River's Tardis Wikia page, she once taunted Zygons by saying "What's up, suckers?" It happens again... the Doctor overreacts. (one-shot)

  • And What Sort Of Time Do You Call This?

    'YOU ARE LATE FOR YOUR OWN WEDDING' – The Doctor receives a message from his previous self on the physic paper. (Also known as the timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly situation that landed the Doctor's Eleventh a month with the otters that one time.) (one-shot)

  • My Heart Is Here So I Must Be Home

    "He cannot give her forever but he can give her his heart. Right about now he's very set on offering up two." - It's River's birthday. (one-shot)

  • We Laughed At Fate And Mourned Her

    Asgard hadn't been their only meeting prior the Library. There had been other meetings with this face. The one that didn't belong to her. (one-shot)

  • I Shall Not Savage You

    *SPOILERS FOR 4x02* - Ser Dontos is suddenly at her side and he's saying the words she's longed to hear for so long. He is urging her to come along, that they don't have much time, but then Cersei is laying the blame on Tyrion. Sansa can't help but feel like going to him, rushing to his side to defend him as he had defended her many times over. (one-shot)

  • I Don't Know Why You Say Goodbye (I Say Hello)

    "Look at me, River." He moves to close the distance so that there leaves no space between then. His face is inches away from hers. "Do I look anywhere near my early 900s to you?" – The Doctor goes to pay his respects to the Ponds in New York. He runs into River [Future!Doctor(wearing 10s face)/Post-Manhattan River, SPOILERS FOR 50TH SPECIAL 'THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR'] (one-shot)