
  • Avengers: Shorts and One-Shots

    A series of Avengers One Shots and Short fics. Every chapter is completely unrelated from the others. For the sake or the search engine I'm going to say: Black Widow Natasha Romanoff, Hawkeye Clint Barton, Hulk Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Iron Man Tony Stark Loki Laufeyson and Captain America Steve Rogers Director Nick Fury of SHIELD Ms Pepper Potts Colonel James 'Rhodey' Rhodes.

  • You Are Never Alone

    When Tim has a nightmare he panics and runs to Robin at Mount Justice how will YJ react to finding out Robin has a baby brother? But what happens when an offhanded remark from Green Arrow causes a Clash of Clans How will the Arrows make things right with the Bats also a story filling the gap between season 1 & 2 explains how some characters became part of the team. Nightwing Origin

  • We don't need you

    When the Justice League interfere with the Teen Titans because they think Jump City villains are jokes, Cyborg gets captured by Slade.BumbleBee, Jinx and Kid Flash get involved. Throw in a random reporter and Robin angst. (mentions BBTerra, Spitfire, RobZatanna, DickBabs and Young Justice in which they died (except Rob KF and Speedy) RobRae Flinx CyBee

  • Stark Raving Mad

    Loki is back and this time he's got a full proof plan. Get inside Tony's head...literally. Find out all of his secrets and then use them against him not just that but use them to break him, use them to drive him to the brink of insanity, to drive him Stark raving mad. "I break Iron Man I break the Avengers and Earth will be left defenceless against me!" Contains Attempted Suicide

  • Tony Stark Doesn't Like To Be Handed Things

    That's a fact, but why? Natasha is determined to find out why. With JARVIS' help prying into Tony's life should be a breeze especially with THE Black Widow along with Clint, Bruce and Steve helping put, but when Iron Man finds out, can Stark ever trust the Avengers again? The first (And only) instalment in 'The Avengers Don't ' Series

  • Double Crossed

    Loki escaped and is attempting to take over once more with both SHIELD and the Avengers compromised Tony Stark has no choice but to 'join' Loki and hope that the maniac doesn't sense his deceit It's even harder than it sounds, I mean how the Hel do you maintain a fake uneasy alliance with a homicidal Norse god? That's like asking someone to lie to the god of lies...oh wait COMPLETE

  • Mirror Mirror

    Tony's acting like a jerk. And the Avengers want to know what's up. Tony's been cloned and the real Iron Man has been hidden, with Rhodey's help will the Avengers and Pepper discover where the real Tony is? Tony Stark was acting like the victim. And the Avengers want to know what's up. with Rhodey's help maybe the Avengers can save Tony from himself. Rated T for swearing. Pepperony

  • Haunted

    Nightwing's thinks he's being Haunted by Wally's ghost, Richard blames himself for Wally's death. Nightwing is falling apart. Dick Grayson misses his best friend. And everyone else is worried for their leader, protégé and friend. One shot-Complete

  • Ichigo's Inner Hollow Surfaces

    Ichigo is fighting Aizen but sudenly looses control of his inner hollow will he regain his control in time or will the head captain time limit of three week prove to short a time for Ichigo, does this mean he will have to be killed? What will happen when young Ichigo finds himself unable to control his inner hollow anymore? On HIATUS for probably forever .

  • Ichigo's Powers Returning?

    During the time after Ichigo loses his powers Ichigo and his friends are leaving school Rukia finds them and thinking Ichigo can't see her tells them a big secret about Ichigo's powers but can Ichigo see her or are his powers really and truly gone.