
  • Christmas Countdown 2

    A collection of Malec one shots. All fluffy!

  • When Alec Met Magnus

    Human AU . Alec works two jobs, lives in a crappy apartment and is a disapointment to everyone around him. Magnus is the hottest fashion designer in New York who can't seem to forget the blue eyes sales man. Yes its cheesy and cliche and full of fluff :)

  • The Road to Recovery

    Peter didn't cast the curse and was stripped of his powers and he and Felix were sent to Storybrooke to live. This is just a story about them living in storybrooke and adjusting to life there. Mainly a mixture of fluff and agnst.

  • Don't Play With Serving Boys

    A short fix about the developing relationship of Roger and Davenport in "The Unicorn and the wasp" Rated T cause Im paranoid. M/M. (Donna and the Doctor are not in it I just needed to fill the characters slot and the ones in my fic weren't there.)