
  • Fire Hazard

    FDR flooding his flat was the last straw.

  • The Perfect Combination of You and Me

    "Just look at her, really look at her, and try to tell me you can't see it." "See what?" Chuck frowns. Raleigh breathes out shakily and refuses to acknowledge the wetness in his eyes. "The perfect combination of you and me." He says softly. *mpreg* Part One of the Rachel Angela Becket-Hansen Series

  • And so the Beginning was the End and the End was the Beginning

    George Kirk looks young like he did when he died and David McCoy looks a bit older but still young, younger than when he died-when Bones had to help him die. - "My story, like most good stories, starts at the end." "The end?" "The supposed end Bones. Now be quiet, I'm building up suspense."