
  • Something Special

    Its Valentines Day and Cora and Robert want to make the day special for each other. Just a fluffy oneshot.

  • Weekend Away

    After the birth of baby Sybil, Robert and Cora find themselves unable to spend as much time with each other as possible. So Robert decides to take his wife away on a romantic weekend. But, just as things are looking perfect, something goes horribly wrong...

  • Intimate affairs

    A series of short fics which sees all the characters in turn witnessing a sweet romantic moment between Robert and Cora. Wont go past T rating.

  • The wrong man

    Cobert AU. Cora Levinson is not in love with any of her suitors, and now she is faced with the decision of who to marry; the charming Robert Crawley, or Edward Lawson, the suitor with the best prospects. The story of what could have happened if Cora hadnt realsied her love for Robert sooner.

  • Rollercoaster

    Just a fluffy oneshot, Coras scared about going on a rollercoaster and Robert tries to comfort her, which turns into him thinking how lucky he is that he has her. Modern AU

  • Grovelling

    Just a quick fluffy oneshot based on S4E3. What happens when Cora finds out about Roberts gambling...

  • Messages

    When both Cora and Robert are ill they have to find new ways of communicationing with each other. Just a quick oneshot, please review xxx

  • Thankful

    Set in the 2012 Christmas Special, Robert realises how thankful he is that he and Cora have a happy marriage, unlike Susan and Shrimpy. Please review, but this is my first ever fanfic so please go easy :) hope u enjoy!