Markante Korenwolf

  • book one, book two, book three

    a short character study of Zuko on the form of a poem

  • I'm no lord

    a character study of Mat Cauthon in the form of a poem

  • I wish I was someone better

    a character study of Billy Kaplan in the form of a poem

  • 88 - Ravenclaw traits

    a short free verse poem about Ravenclaw House since I figured I might as well make a series out of the Slytherin poem I wrote last week.

  • 87 - Slytherin traits

    a short free verse poem about the Slytherin House. (This work is a birthday present for ibuzoo on tumblr)

  • 48 - There are paths to take

    A short poem about prophecies and choices. This poem is vague enough apply to a lot of characters but I wrote it specifically for the three Ta'veren

  • 47 - This is how I fight

    A short poem about Peggy Carter's fighting style

  • 42 The voice inside my head

    A short poem about how Lews Therin Telamon was convinced that Rand al'Thor was a voice in his head.

  • 41 She shines bright

    A short character study of Luna in the form of a poem

  • you aren't real

    a short character study of Korra after chapter two of book four

  • He may spout bullshit a lot

    a character study of the Hawkeyes in the form of a poem

  • The Banshee

    sort of a character study of Lydia Martin in the form of a poem

  • Not a perfect soldier

    A character study of Steve Rogers in the form of a poem

  • I'm not some ghost

    a character study of the winter soldier in the form of a poem

  • Can sirens drown?

    a character study of Black Widow in the form of a poem

  • so not wasting my second chance

    A short character study of Amy Dyer in the form of a poem.

  • Eulogy for the 'Living'

    A short poem about how the living sometimes acted more like rabid monsters than the dead did. It's supposed to be about all the characters but there's one distinct reference to Kieren Walker in it.

  • I wanted to be cremated

    a short character study of Kieren Walker in the form of a poem

  • dear monster in my head

    a short poem about Annie (written 22/01/'13)

  • just maybe

    it's just a short poem in which Stiles thinks about how he acts towards Derek, should be read under the assumption that Stiles being interested in Derek is, in fact, a possibility (written 07/07/'13; edited 06/02/'14)