
  • A Second Chance

    What if Carrie White escaped that collapsing house? What if she took refuge in a familiar Las Vegas hotel? And, what if, 40 years later she emerged, making her way to Camp Half-Blood? 2013 MOVIE BASED. Chloe Moretz's portrayal of Carrie. Rated T cause I'm paranoid. Please read/review. Set during the summer after The Last Olympian. Man, I suck at summaries.

  • Hidden Away

    Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen never fled across the sea. Instead they stayed in Westeros, flitting from one place to another, forever in fear of the Usurper. But, whilst hiding in the North, they are discovered by a certain bastard boy. Instead of uncovering them, Jon Snow vows to protect them, and they accept him with open arms. But Daenerys may find her heart is open as well...

  • Changes

    (AU) Adelina didn't give up on Lorien, instead, she trained Marina to the best of her ability. She met up with another Garde, Four never became John Smith, Eight was the last one to be found. What will happen when these things change? Rated T for infrequent language, violence and romance. ON HIATUS - SORRY!

  • Lorien Legacies Truth or Dare!

    Pretty self-explanatory. Four, Five, Six, Marina, Nine, Ella, Sam, Sarah and Adam sit down to play one of Fanfiction's most infamous games: Truth or Dare. Set after the war in which there is a good Five, cause i just think he's a tragic character.