
  • The Past in the Present

    Luke and Lorelai need to work through their past issues in order to rebuild their relationship. Picks up at their kiss in "Bon Voyage."

  • Picture Time

    Lorelai and Luke smuttiness, post-finale.

  • Dream a Little Dream

    Lorelai/Luke smuttiness, post-finale. An arousing dream leads to some middle-of-the-night action.

  • The Evolution of Father's Day

    Post-finale, a look at how Luke and Lorelai have spent Father's Day in the years 2009, 2011, 2014. (L/L, R/J)

  • Raincoats and Recipes, Revisited

    This is my take on the ending of "Raincoats and Recipes" if Lorelai hadn't gone home after kissing Luke.

  • A Little Romance

    Lorelai and Luke, post-finale. Luke surprises Lorelai with a romantic evening.