
  • Every Damn Time, You Were Right Beside Me

    "It's a load of bollocks. The whole notion of a soul mate is preposterous, the very belief that there's this one set person out there who is supposedly just perfect for you," pausing, Simmons looked at the man lying before her, "It's ridiculous. Isn't it?"

  • Sometime Around Midnight

    "And it starts sometime around midnight, or at least that's when you lose yourself for a minute or two..." AU set in a bar in which everyone is drunk and no one is happy.

  • Loving You Is Like A Fairy Tale, Let's Start With Chapter One

    Forty one-shots in forty days. Each one connecting and centred around our favourite team. Mostly Neric centred but there will be a healthy does of Densi themed chapters, all the team will feature at some point...

  • Like A Date?

    After the disastrous conversation about the 'non-date' Nell had gone on with Kensi and Rose the night before, Eric couldn't stop thinking about something she'd said... Set after 5x02.

  • She Was Almost There

    "Not fair? That's not fair to you? You want to know what's not fair, Jem? What's not fair is having your best friend leave you without even saying goodbye. What's not fair is the way that everyone treats me like I'm a broken bloody toy. Not fair is not knowin' if someone is real or not and not havin' the words to ask them!"

  • Ours Is A Love Story, It Goes Like This

    "Ours is a love story. It goes like this: Man meets woman. She's got issues. Man thinks she's perfect – She knows better."

  • It's Not The Fall That Kills You

    After the events of 'Ragtag', FitzSimmons are falling to the bottom of the ocean and Jemma begins overthinking things...

  • All I Ever Needed Was

    There are some things you just can't go through life without...

  • All Tied Up

    Eric Beale, computer genius and technical God, cannot tie a tie. Luckily, his red-headed partner can...

  • Shattered

    "Yes, 'those'. What the hell happened to our lab?" Simmons shouted as Fitz let his fingers trail across the glass, following the splinter patterns and trying to find a way to explain to his partner what had happened without worrying her.

  • Teach Me

    "...Eric was unable to deny her anything, wanting to keep her as close as possible, and so when she suggested a movie after the case had ended he was all too eager to agree and happy to sit there with the petite red-head who was still trying her hardest not to shake..."