The alien probe is gone, but Uzi and her allies are anything but safe. Something's coming. Something big. N, V, Uzi, Thad, Dr. Mark Vespa, Dr Cheryl Serniglia
Ever wonder what N's role in the Terrible Trio's organization was before he met Uzi? Here's a bit of somewhat racy speculation. A non-canon prequel, I'm sure, but what the heck. A one-shot I may continue. See what you think. Rated for sexual scenes. N, V, J.
Again the Federation finds itself in need of the Borg. But what will the Federation's reaction be? Only time will tell. OC's, Hugh, Picard, Riker, etc. Be prepared.
The rebel alliance is in serious trouble, with the Dark Side of the Force growing stronger by the day. If only there was someone the few remaining Jedi Knights could call upon...or maybe there is. A Teen Titans / Star Wars crossover...what might have been, or might yet be. A collaboration between Edgar H. Sutter,Sharnorasian Empire and myself. I couldn't have done this without them
So now Beast Boy knows the true source of his powers. Will it affect his relationships with the others, with Terra and Raven? Plus a dark secret from Terra's past may affect their engagement in a most terminal way. Sequel to "The Truth." The usual pairings: BB/Terra, Rob/Star, etc. OC's. Chapter 1: Monsters Now complete.
Ever wonder how Beast Boy stumbled onto the passcode for Raven's room, and why she never changed it? Another one-shot that wouldn't leave me alone. Enjoy!
What will the only Gold Lantern in the Universe do with his newfound liberty, and with his new friends? What will they do with him? Why did his ring change like that? And a new, or perhaps not-so-new, threat from beyond the stars...Sequel to "The Gold Corps: Genesis." Now complete.
A brief interlude with our heroes enjoying some well-deserved downtime. A harmless bit of M-rated fluff. Athena, Blackfire. Enjoy!
The big day has arrived for Terra and Beast Boy, but the job of the Titans goes on, as a shadowy threat from the past emerges, to test their friendship and unity. Evil never dies. Sequel to "Misplaced." The usual pairings: Star/Rob, BB/Terra, Kitten/Omega, etc. Rated for language, adult situations, and maybe even a little character death. Consider yourself warned.
The War of Light is over, at least for now. But what does a warrior do, with no more war to fight? Where does one go, when the stars themselves are not enough? At least one OC. Now complete.
Few people can hold a grudge better than Raven. But sometimes there are good reasons not to. A story of personal growth. Raven, Athena.
A strangely familiar stranger appears at Titans' Tower. Inspired by Nancy171112's portrait on Deviantart. Sequel to "Stranger from the Sky." Rated for later chapters. NOW COMPLETE
Beast Boy and Terra's wedding is approaching, but the Titans get an unexpected visitor. Plus, a lurking menace in the background may delay the Big Day permanently. Rated M for content. Beast Boy/Terra, Raven/Hank, Starfire/Robin, Kitten/Omega...and someone else who may complicate things. Sequel to "Godwar, Part 2: Battleground." Now complete.
Ever wonder where Beast Boy's powers REALLY come from? And why he and Raven have such a bond? A one-shot that wouldn't let me alone until I did something with it. Here's the something. Sequel to "Misplaced."
The Entity's purpose is finally revealed. What will happen now? Will Omega ever make it back? What about Kitten? Even worse, what about Tara? Will Raven have to reveal certain secrets? What will happen if she does? What of the Hunters, and the Desolate Sector they passed through? The Godwar saga is about to heat up, in more ways than one. Sequel to "The Contract." Now complete.
Kitten's having a really hard time dealing with Omega's death. As her luck would have it, she gets an offer she can't refuse...The usual pairings: BB/Terra, Rob/Star, Raven/Hank, Kitten and ? Sequel to "Exile." Rated for language and content. NOW COMPLETE.
Lord Trogaar's back, and he intends to settle some old accounts. Sequel to 'The Taking of Terra." Rated for content and adult scenes. NOW COMPLETE.