Nnix Ame

  • Preparation For Nothing

    She looked at her marbles on the nightstand. There were four, the fifth having shattered not long ago. As silly as it was, a part of her wondered if it was the one she had looked into that day. oneshot

  • Carry Me?

    "I think it's just a sprain," Totsuka tried moving his foot, wincing slightly at the sharp pain. "I don't think I'll be able to walk on it though." He looked up at Mikoto. "Looks like you'll have to carry me back!"

  • Eclipse

    She was always running away. So when she realized just how important Sun had become to her, how much she valued him in her life, she was surprised that for once in her life her first instinct wasn't to run away but to hold on to what she had and make it last. Black Sun. 50 Themes

  • Umbrella

    A small moment between the King and his Princess.

  • Limited Red

    It was then she realized how important this person was. To HOMRA, to Izumo...to Mikoto... 'stay' Anna held onto him, her fingers squeezing tightly. 'please, don't go. Don't leave...' family/friendship/slight angst/

  • Never Be The Same

    Who knew one person could change another's life so drastically, so suddenly, so much that they become irreplaceable in such a short amount of time. Oneshot/drabble series based off prompts. (Complete for now)

  • Calm

    Usually if she had a nightmare, Mikoto would be the first one she'd go to. No matter what happened, being beside him would always make her feel safe. This time was different. It wasn't Mikoto's presence she craved

  • Hands

    This warmth, this hand. Right here, right now, is what secures my every thought.

  • Smooth

    He was awestruck. Memsmorized. Dumbfounded. However you wanted to put it, Sun was captivated by the obvious joy on the woman's face in front of him.

  • Appreciation

    "You do realize what time it is, right?" After the days events, Sun checks in on Blake to see how she's handling everything going on.

  • Reminiscence

    A year since she left her old home, Blake has been a bit distant. Sun, still trying to get to know her, figures it might help to let things out then keep them in. "Hey, you want to rant about anything-I'm hear to listen..." Hints of past Blake/Adam.

  • Warmth

    It was over. It was finally over. Yet it still felt like the world was still crashing down on him. Like it was ready to pull out from under him at any given moment. NaLu. Oneshot.

  • Together

    A new world, a new start, a new journey. And as always, they will face it together. Hints of Fanille. One-shot.