Adriana Espan

  • The Sky and his Sun

    Where Tsuna is the Sky Arcobaleno, and sky arcobalenos look like teenagers who don't age or die. He is not the Vongola Decimo. The question is, if Tsuna and Reborn were together in the past, why did they decide to part ways after becoming Arcobalenos? R27/slight All27. AU. Follows canon's plot but will skip the parts that are deemed as unnecessary.

  • Ladybird

    Severus Snape has an unusual phobia of... Ladybirds. And Harry's out to have a little fun with his new father. Crack one-shot, Snape Harry Gen.

  • I'm the Assassin, you're the Detective

    Tsuna is master assassin while Hibari is master detective. Born to be natural enemies, one is destined to defeat the other. Tsuna wasn't supposed to make Hibari fall in love with him unknowingly, nor was he supposed to fall back in love himself. This all just leads to one big tragedy. 1827.

  • Alone

    "Alone is what I have. Alone protects me." "No, Hibari-san, friends protect people." Tsuna is bothered by how distant Hibari always seem, and wonders what he can do to make Hibari closer. He feels as if Hibari never actually cared about him. Belated birthday fic for Hibari, platonic 1827 one-shot.

  • Asexual

    Otherwise known as The Sexuality of Hibari Kyoya. Tsuna wonders if his Cloud guardian is asexual, since he shows no interest in anyone whatsoever. He's set out to find out what Hibari's sexuality is. And by finding out, he means some stalking. Uh oh. 1827 one-shot. Warning: Includes some Hibari-stalking. Beware!

  • A taste of heaven

    Draco had a taste of heaven, only to fall back to earth again. What if Harry never did come back after he decided to sacrifice himself in the Forbidden Forest? DM/HP. Slash.

  • Broken Promises

    AU. Severus had another friend whom he adored but she died. She had promised to always be there with him and thus Severus was disheartened. One-shot.

  • Harry Huntington

    One-shot. DG/HP, DM/DG/HP friendship. Harry has the Huntington's Disease that is one hundred percent deadly. What will the other two friends do? Warning, Character Death!

  • Safe and Sound

    Songfic. DG/HP. Taylor Swift's song. It is during the final battle, 7th year. What does Daphne feel during the battle?

  • Do you love me?

    An innocent question made Severus Snape reflect on what happened in the past few months. What would he reply to Harry Potter, his once hated student? One-shot. NOT slash. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.