

  • Pretending To Be A Follower

    Before Draco starts his fifth year at Hogwarts, Lucius wants to make sure that he is aware of the importance of the Ministry's increased control and what that means for Draco's future.

  • There Will Be A Time To Fight

    Narcissa keeps Lucius from fighting when the Dark Lord asks for his wand. Why? Because there are times when it is not wise to fight.

  • A New Beginning

    At first, Lucius didn't want anything to do with Scorpius because he was afraid that he would repeat the same mistakes that he had made with Draco. But as soon as Lucius looked into Scorpius's eyes, everything changed.

  • You Are Draco

    When Draco was first born, Narcissa saw him as a little version of her husband. As Draco grew older, however, Narcissa began to realize that her husband and her son were not the same person.

  • Survivor

    Lucius had always been good at surviving.

  • Never Sought To Be Hated

    Severus never sought to be hated, but his life ended up being one without any love or happiness in it.

  • Doors

    Lucius Malfoy does not like doors. They are simply in his way. Not meant to be taken seriously. This is just the product of my crazy mind.

  • It Must Be A Boy

    Takes place soon after the events of "The Bloody Babies." Part of the Dead Babies series. Summary: Abraxas fears that Narcissa could soon become a major problem in regards to Lucius's duty and devotion to the Dark Lord. Narcissa, however, has not yet given Lucius an heir. And the child must be a boy.

  • Of Screaming and Making Choices

    This is for Round 16 of alyssialui's Twister Challenge. In this round, we had to choose a restriction. I chose "Someone must scream." Summary: Pansy wants to play dolls, but Draco does not. Pansy, however, is willing to do whatever it takes to get her way. Lucius, meanwhile, just wants to resolve this situation as quickly as possible without losing his sanity.

  • Mysterious Death

    Lucius informs Narcissa of Regulus's death.

  • Outside and Doing Nothing

    Lucius and Narcissa are proper Pureblood children, but sometimes even they need a little break from being so proper. Mentions of Lucius's and Narcissa's relationships with their parents, along with mentions of Narcissa's relationship with both of her sisters.

  • Us Against the World

    Lucius and Narcissa are just two children in a huge world, but that's just fine with them. All they need is each other. The rest of the world can burn for all they care.

  • The Good Children

    Regulus has had enough of the fighting between Sirius and their parents, and he needs a little break from it. Regulus decides to visit his cousin Narcissa for a little while. Mentions of the relationship between Sirius and Regulus and the former relationship between Andromeda and Narcissa.

  • The Enemy

    Severus just wants to walk Lily to breakfast, but there are a few Gryffindors that don't think that should be allowed to happen.

  • He Never Was Kind

    Lucius was never known to be kind, but that never bothered him, not even for a moment.

  • Just An Afterthought

    Growing up, Narcissa often felt like nothing more than just an afterthought, especially when compared to her older sisters.

  • A Pureblood Woman's Duty

    The conversation between Druella and her daughter Narcissa after Narcissa suffers yet another miscarriage. Side story to "The Bloody Babies." Part of the Dead Babies series.

  • The Safety of Our Children

    The Committee hearing on what should be done to Buckbeak after his attack on Draco.

  • What About The Poor Owl?

    No one thinks about the well-being of the owl that delivers all those sweets to Draco.

  • Cruel Reminder

    Narcissa encounters a pregnant Molly and her two children. Side story to "The Bloody Babies." Part of the Dead Babies series.