
  • The Hidden Diadem

    She didn't want to die, so she took the deal that was offered to her. And that's how her story as Marlene begins: armed with Ravenclaw's diadem, burdened with knowledge of the book series, and guided by the snooty Helena Ravenclaw, she must save the McKinnon family from their terrible fate. Book-reader-in-marauder-era.

  • The Last Bride

    Three sisters, stolen from their home and dragged to the mythical world of the Folk. One of them is the next Bride, destined to save the this unchanging, immortal world. Except...no one knows which sister is the Bride.

  • Daphne Greengrass, Side Character

    Daphne Greengrass is on a quest to be the main character of her own life for once, but that's easier said than done. Includes: conspiracy theories, evil plotting, a Slytherin revolution, and sassy Potter. OotP, HBP, and DH. Not your usual Daphne.

  • The Tactician

    So a grouchy, anti-social "apprentice tactician" who lies like there's no tomorrow and has a bad habit of eavesdropping isn't the ideal heroine for a story. But at least she wins battles. Most of the time.

  • The Harry Potter Conspiracy

    Scorpius Malfoy and James Potter II arrive at Hogwarts and what do they find? Harry Potter is the most evil wizard of all time, the prophecy is a lie, and Dumbledore is a homosexual criminal mastermind...So what's Voldemort doing in the picture?

  • Harumscarum: book one

    Whoever decided to invite us to Hogwarts was an idiot. Either that or he had a very twisted sense of humor. Violent valentines, Fluffy's poop, and tea parties in the hospital wing. What's not to love? There will be pairings. First book in progress.

  • Harumscarum: book two

    Valentines Day wars, joy rides through the Forbidden Forest, Chester the Giant Squid, Death Day parties gone bad, and more Draco Malfoy stalking. It can only mean one thing. Someone decided to invite Aislyn and Mayra back to Hogwarts for more insanity.