
  • Devils Hypnotic Melody

    I felt like I was going to be sucked in by those endless pools of red until I was pulled away by one of the villagers," keep back child," I found myself slowly coming out of my trance like state," wh-what was that?" I asked," that devil had captured you, you'd be killed in an instant if we weren't here," I looked at the man bound before me, there's no way he could be a devil, right

  • Black Cat's Wish

    Everyday both of us sit across from each other in our boxes, I sing desperately hoping someone will come and take me home but why did they choose you? Why do you stand out more than me? Why can't I...stop thinking about you. OOC, Tragedy, Neko! SebaCiel, song fic.

  • Ben's Story

    Most people know me around the world, they fear me, and others worship me, but no one seems to know the truth of how I became how I am now; today I shall tell you all how I became the spirit you all know as BEN Drowned. OOC, Human!Ben, Character Death.

  • Halloween Lust

    Tonight was Halloween and everyone was preparing the decorations for the party at the Phantomhivemanor, well, everyone but Sebastian; for the demon Hallowenn was hell especially when he had a contractor he just hoped he had enough time to get away before it happened. Yaoi, OOC, Sebaciel.

  • Kirisaki Carnival

    " Welcome my princess to your dream castle, would you like to play with me for awhile," Elizabeth didn't notice the insane look in the boys eyes as she followed him deeper into the dream castle. Blood/Gore, OOC, Yandere, Character Death.

  • Corruption

    It was in the middle of winter as the full moon shone brightly on the surface of a frozen pond within in the center of a forest that surrounded a small village not to far away. Beneath the surface of the ice was a figure-it was shaped almost like that of a boy? Slight Blood, Dark Themes, Blackice, Guardian bashing, Dark! Jack

  • Lost Light

    I could only stare as they dragged you away, I reached through the bars as our hands separated, that warmth I loved so much leaving me. They pinned you down on the alter and held your legs down as you looked to me with tear filled eyes. The dagger came down and blood began to drop onto the symbol on the ground as I screamed. OOC, Character Death, Twin Theory, Fluff.

  • Patient 013

    " I wish you luck with patient 013, he can be a handful," I laughed at this, from the file I got on my patient it seems he's just a 13 year old boy, what could a child do to me that made so many other therapists leave," and why are you wishing me luck? he's only a child," the nurse sighed and shook her head," well...many doctors...haven't come back or are injured badly."

  • Resurrection

    I'm so scared, everything hurts so bad, I couldn't believe they didn't believe me, my own parents! The people who were supposed love and care for me...but it seems like that was a lie. The pain I felt throughout my body soon disappeared and all I could feel as numbness, then, it all went black.

  • Dragon Heart

    Valka kept her tears from falling as she put her child in a wicker basket and walked into the ocean and set the basket in the water, allowing the waves to carry the basket away as she turned away and allowed her unspilled tears to stream down her cheeks. Dragon!Hiccup, OOC, AU.

  • A Kittens Little Secret

    Ciel is a young kitten in a pet shop, over the past few months he has been taken to multiple homes but none of his owners were able to handle his little secret, that is for one specific man who promised to love and protect him. OOC, Neko!Ciel, yaoi, Modern AU.

  • Sleepsong

    Ciel is awakened by a nightmare and is to afraid to fall asleep, Sebastian comes to comfort the boy and sings him a lullaby to calm him. OOC, Sebaciel, fluff.

  • Romeo and Juliet

    Ever since Vlad had gotten banished into space, Danny has tried his best to stop worrying about the fruitloop, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get the thought of the man out of his head. OOC, Danny x Vlad, Character Death.

  • Kite, watashi no sanbika o shiagete kudasai

    In the clearing of a dark forest, a wolf with fur that shines a beautiful silver in the moonlight stands in the center of a patch of white orchids, waiting for the day someone will come and finish its song. okami!Ciel, OOC, AU, Yaoi. [Another Hiatus]