My Writing Is This

  • Beautiful Disaster

    The dead were walking and surviving was imperative. Caroline had hit the ground running. She tried to never look back. She was alone for too long. Learning to live and love again wasn't easy. People still mattered. Many would come in and out of her life and not all was as it seemed. She had to learn to be a person again and to find her place. And the one she was meant to be with.

  • Hell and Back

    Evy has experienced more in her life than any one person should. All the tears, pain, and death. The love, hope, and laughter. Memories. It seemed like that's all that remained of her life. Dean was in Hell and she was determined to free him. What she didn't know was that more was yet in store for her. Challenges that she had yet to face. Tests she had to overcome.

  • With Eyes Wide Open

    Belief. Most choose not to believe. But I believe. I believe that God put creatures on this earth to protect us. Beings that I believed in with all of me. I would prove they existed. Not only the protectors of our world but the forces that fight against them. I will find them. Him. What happens after will be nothing expected. A story of love, loss, and everything in between.

  • Ever Seeking

    Freedom. I never thought the day would come. But that's what I was. Free. Only there were still struggles to be had. Our servitude may be over but our fight had just begun. Separated from my love and my family, I had to fight to find them, and I was going to have to fight to keep them. The war had begun. I was ready to fight. Ready to protect those I love. No matter the cost.

  • We Will Endure

    As a slave I am to stand silent, awaiting commands from my masters. A possession to answer to their every whim no matter what it may be. Yet, I am still human. Overcome by feelings and wants I didn't know I could have, I risked everything. I could easily ruin myself. But his beauty was too exquisite. I needed to feel him. I needed to have him. No matter the cost or consequence.