
  • Child's Play

    Given a choice between Sherlock's life or further desecrating his already tarnished psyche, John knows it's not much of a decision. Heed the Warnings: "Forced!John/Moriarty, Rape, Violence, Language, Angst, Dark!Mycroft."

  • Coalesce

    All John wants is for the shattered fragments of his life to meld back together. He doesn't want to be assigned to the perplexing Sylar case. He doesn't want to fall in love. And he certainly doesn't want the power blossoming within him. He just wants to go about his job with Dorian at his side, bug the shit out of Detective Paul and eat ramen. The universe doesn't seem to care.

  • Truth and Uncertainty

    Glenn and Daryl finally have their talk. Much is said; nothing decided. Part 3 of the Just This Once series.

  • Biding Time

    Thorin Oakenshield saved Bilbo Baggin's life when he was a child, and Bilbo has been under the impression that they've been engaged all these long, lonely years. But when Thorin returns, he doesn't seem to have the slightest memory of Bilbo, let alone their engagement. Bilbo is sad and confused, but determined to win Thorin's favour on the dark, winding roads ahead.

  • You Were My First

    Meme Prompt: Jim does not consult rapists because he finds them triggering. Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty

  • Always Again

    Daryl's conflicting emotions over Glenn come to a physical head when Glenn tries to reconcile with him over a recent experience they shared.