

  • The Lark and the Linnet Bird

    When Jean is sent back to prison, Cosette's world comes tumbling down. Forced onto the hostile streets of London, things worsen when a perverse Judge offers her work in his house—but a newly found friendship could change everything. When Jean is recaptured he battles his growing demons and fears for the life of his child—but he soon meets a man in a very similar situation.

  • The hole in the wall

    Johanna is all too aware of the hole in the wall. She doesn't wonder for it's purpose, she merely sits, acutely aware of his gaze, his heavy breath, his clumsy feet and that beady eye that glistens like steel. One-shot, non-sexual (but a bit suggestive)

  • City on Fire!

    'If he stopped now the grief would catch up with him and divert his thoughts; If he stopped now it would all come reeling towards him like a steamtrain ready to knock him unconscious with a blast of severe emotions.' Set after Anthony brings Johanna home from the asylum. Sweeney must nurse her back to health before it's too late… but can the barber protect his girl from everything?

  • The caged Lark

    When Cosette is kidnapped and held hostage, Valjean does everything he can to save her. But are there times when Cosette must take matters into her own hands? is it true that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger? And will a newly found love give Cosette the hope and strength she needs to continue? Marius/Cosette, (Valjean and Cosette too!)