
  • The New Kids

    Cute little one-shot one how Cherry first met Max and Phoebe. As per usual, Chex.

  • Blissful Darkness

    "I thought there was good in him. I thought that maybe I would be able to change his mind. Change him. What I thought I saw was never there. Never him. What I thought, was wrong. Was wrong of me." Chex but slight angst.

  • Sounds like a plan

    Truth, or dare?Phoebe Thunderman has got the prefect dare for her best friend Cherry,but it involves her twin brother, Max. Everything seems to be fine at first, until Phoebe realises the real reason behind Cherry's acceptance to the dare. And when her plan comes crashing down onto her, she knows that not only has she probably lost her best friend, but her brother's trust too.

  • RIP Sam and Cat (Not a fanfic)

    A page I wrote about the recent cancellation of hit Nickelodeon show Sam and Cat. Please read.

  • How Sam and Cat should end: Carly returns

    Sam and Cats babysitting business is booming, but when Cat shows Sam a surprise text from Freddie telling her he has news about Carly, what will Sam do. She hasn't heard from this girl in two years since she left. Sam and Freddie need answers, and will they get them?

  • iHollywood Cat Attack

    How Sam and Cat Ends sequel. iCarly trio are living the high life. But when an old friend of Sam's invites the now non-friends to Hollywood Studios, all are confused. As the tension builds up between the three as they tell their story of why their no longer besties, some old memories and surprises are in store for them. Special guest: Cat Valentine.

  • What really happened?

    There have been many theories about what happened to Carly's mum and Freddie's dad, but what would have happened if they're disappearance had been linked together? Is there something Colonel Shay and 'Mrs' Benson haven't told their children? Warning: Creddie. New chapter is now coming!

  • iHave a sing-off

    Overhearing Freddie talking to Spencer about girls, Sam listens to some really interesting information about what Freddie likes in a girl. Needing an excuse to sing to Freddie to tell him how she feels, Sam comes up with a plan to have an iCarly concert. But when she hears Carly sing for the first time, she begins to panic. Will Freddie fall for his old crush or new found admirer?

  • iKnew it

    What would have happened if Sam had been there when Freddie had asked Carly "Is it too late for you to love me?" How would she have responded? Eventual seddie. Supposed to be a one-shot.

  • Fluffiest Creddie Fluff ever!

    Here is a collection of really cheesy creddie stories. Each story has a separate summary.

  • One day I will forgive you

    Carly broke Freddie's heart, and it was the last straw for him. Seddie towards end and kind of Creddie. Epilogue's coming soon.

  • iHoneymoon Sushi

    This story is set during iGo to Japan. I don't own iCarly, Nickelodeon does. Warning: Creddie.

  • I'd be really psyched about it

    "I'd be really psyched about it." He said these very words about two years ago, but Carly doesn't know if he still would be. Somehow he seems like he has moved on, but sometimes he says he hasn't. Carly is leaving for Italy soon and she needs to tell him something, and fast. What will she do and how will he react?