

  • New Hogwarts Rules (and how they came to be)

    Another year at Hogwarts, a wonderful feast, watching the new rules and the reason for them being made, a new teacher. just a typical start of year night... wait watching? watch as the populace of Hogwarts learn of their new rules. Fifth Year

  • How my life ended and began again

    This is the story of how I, the Awesome Gilbert, became part of the living dead. implied!PruCan if you squint, really hard.

  • reading the truth

    what happens when fate gets bored... well she makes Hogwarts read some books chaos and hilarity included in this new story

  • The Prophecy of Four

    The Dark Lord has risen, A prophecy has been spoken, heroes and a villain of old are back and in the center of all this is someone who really needs a break... is that Draco quoting a poem, this is going to be a fun year for hogwarts and the wizarding world. Reincarnation! This has HET & SLASH if you don't like it then leave.

  • How did this happen to me

    This is the story of how my kindness got me hurt and how I found the love I needed. Possible slash, unknown pairing as of yet. also title is a work in progress

  • What he goes to school for

    there is only one reason Gilbert goes to school anymore, a hopeless fantasy that is not as hopeless as he thought. Prucan slightly hinted Ruscan, Rochu, Usuk and onesided!Fruk

  • shadow of the day

    he's had enough and now it's over