
  • A Study in Blood

    (Formerly "What Do You See?") It was The End. Wasn't it? Watson soon learns that nothing is as it seems when it comes to Sherlock Holmes, and their greatest adventure is only beginning. Solving crimes is easy. Raising a little girl is quite the challenge. Not slash!

  • You are My Sunshine

    She's a tiny 5' 2" ball of fire with a mouth that would make a sailor blush. And he wouldn't have her any other way. In the middle of the waking nightmare their life has become, Daryl and Emily (OC) find love in the most unexpected place. It's just as dysfunctional and perfect as you might imagine. (Rated M because of their cussing. It's a problem. You've been warned.)

  • What My Heart Knew

    Alone, the nightmares overwhelm me, break me. With him, I'm stronger. He chases them away. I can't lose him. He is a part of me, and I have finally realized what my heart has known for so long. I love him. I am in love with Peeta Mellark.

  • Brilliant

    He returned for his last year at Hogwarts after the war because that's what he thought she would have wanted. But the familiar halls hold memories that haunt him in his waking hours, and nightmares of her dying in his arms plague his dreams. He doesn't know how to be without Hermione. There was never supposed to be life without Hermione. (Short AU)

  • Warm in Her Bed

    A series of one-shots of moments after the sinking of the Titanic if things would have ended a bit differently. Each one-shot will take place in the Dawson's bed, as they experience life and love at the end of each day. Rose is warm in her bed, so long as Jack is beside her.

  • Beloved King

    Things in Narnia never happen the same way twice. When Susan returns, quite unexpectedly, it seems too good to be true. But what has been a mere five years for the High Queen, has been fifty for her beloved King. Can their love stand the test of time? And what will happen when a new prophecy is revealed?

  • Dana

    The love story of Brad Taylor and Dana Wilson through the years. Inspired by Tim McGraw's song "Don't Take the Girl".

  • Light of My World

    "Why Carol even bothered with him, he didn't know. He was just some rough redneck who wrecked everything he touched. And she was... everything. In his world of anger, self-loathing, and absolute hopeless darkness, she was the one beam of light. He wanted to protect her, to keep that light from going out. And he'd failed."

  • Aonarach

    He was alone. For the first time in his life, he was utterly and completely alone. "Connor!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. "Connor!"

  • Mo Dheartháir

    "That's when he found it. A note taped to the bedroom door. "Even saints fall. Come join your brother for one last shot. McGinty's at ten." Connor checked his watch. It was 9:51." (One-Shot/ Non-Slash/ T for the their vocabulary)