

  • Modern Woman

    "You're a what?" Oliver asks. / oliver/felicity

  • talk nerdy to me

    "I would've gone to bat for you," Bellamy says, "if it'd gone the other way." (bellamy's a professor. clarke digs it. nerdy sex verse.)

  • Foresight

    Cassie gets taken. Nick blows a lot of shit up.

  • Inconceivable

    "Well," Bellamy says dryly, "this whole diplomacy thing sure is going great."

  • Frostbite

    "That serum didn't make you any less of a damn fool," Bellamy snapped. "Though that's not exactly a surprise."

  • Walkabout

    "You are always far too handsome for your own good," Hermione says, "in any timeline." [sirius x hermione, time travel: written for teethandstars for multifandom tropefest]

  • Lovestoned

    "I have never seen so many naked people in my life," Emma says. (hook/emma, sex pollen)

  • Close Call

    "I need to see my son," she said. (hook/emma, sirens)

  • Easy

    A year is a long time, Emma knows, longer than most people think. She should be used to wearing out people's patience by now, but somehow, it still hurts—every time, every goddamn time. (emma/hook, post ep for 2.17)

  • how ruthless are the gentle--

    "Yeah," Sara says, and shrugs. (post ep for 2.13, oliver/sara)

  • safe space

    "The key to a good night's sleep," Felicity says proudly. "I take a bad dream and make it better." post ep for 2x10.