The Real Phoenix

  • Hate Me or Love Me?

    AU One-shot! Anna is a college student. But do to a small problem she had with Elsa, gives the older blonde some doubt when she survives a war in the military and decides to go to the university Anna studies at, to see Anna, her sister. But what will happen when they come face to face? What emotions will be revealed? (Based off of a true story, which happened to be recorded)

  • An Assassin's Frozen Heart

    After her parents died, Anna found that she couldn't handle life in Arendelle, definitely with her new found hatred for her sister. So Anna leaves, becoming an Assassin in Rome. But when the Templars target Arendelle, Anna has no choice but to return to her own home. Can Anna and Elsa revive the bond they had? Can they save Arendelle? (lots of char deaths, jelsa/hiccanna/kristanna)

  • Looner Elementum

    AU. Elsa, Anna, Hans, and Kristoff; born as guardians to protect the balance earth. Anna and Kristoff; born evil. Elsa and Hans born good, but when a Prophesy gets out, how can three opposites team up to stop a new found evil? Definitely when Anna and Elsa had just found out that they're sisters. So, how can they do this without ripping each other's throats? Char death & Sis drama

  • If I Survive

    Anna joins the military after hearing about her father's death there, where she meets many new friends, and some blonde girl who claims to be her sister...which can't be, cause Anna was the only child right? And what happens when Arendelle is attacked, and everybody is dying around Anna, Who can she trust, and what happens when it comes down to the final battle? (Jelsa) (Hiccanna)

  • Anna's Lullaby

    Anna has a hard time going to sleep some nights, so Elsa writes her a personal Lullaby. Soon Anna finds it's her favorite Lullaby ever. One-shot

  • I Could've Been There (Anna's POV)

    My first One-shot! No matter how much Anna struggles in school, no matter how much her parents don't understand, no matter how much Anna struggles in life, and no matter how much she tries to end it...Elsa...will always be there...(ANNA'S POINT OF VIEW!) WARNING: IMPORTANT MESSAGE AT THE END...YOU SHOULD READ IT...I'M SERIOUS!