
mr mark gibbs 1989

  • Harry Potter and the New World Order

    Harry discovers the truth about magic when he explores the chamber after saving Ginny. That leads him on the truth path.

  • Darth Potter

    set in book 4 Harry becomes the most dangerous person in the world becoming not just a leader but the man who ushers in a new age for the world. There will be elements of star wars in this but it not a cross over. Lots of bashing.

  • Naval Officers Mr and Mrs Harry and Hermione Pottter

    After the trail in book 5 Harry and Hermione leave and Go and Join the Navy Now 12 years latter they go and see the muggle pm. And are asked to go back and fix the world. Ron, Molly, Ginny and Dumbledore Sirius lives


    Harry takes the war into his owns hands

  • Adult one offs

    This will be a series of one off. With Harry doing some pretty xxx things with people please you have been warned read at your own risk.


    Harry's name comes out of the goblet of fire. Many have done this where Harry gets new powers well what if Harry took the way of the samurai combine that with some new powers then you have Shogun Potter.

  • The king of the Moon

    This is a bit of a crossover between Harry Potter and Sailor Moon. Harry is the king of the Moon kingdom and now needs his scouts to help him wage war against the forces evil who want this Moon power for them selves Note lots of Dumbledore, Weasley bashing

  • Arch Angel Lucifer

    A wrong boy who lived will be dark and lots of Dumbledore bashing and lots of new powers. 4 years ago Harry ran way now as the Triwizard comp starts Harry returns to deal with not 1 not 2 but 3 dark lords

  • Fr James Potter

    Harry leave for Egypt.

  • Wolverine and Pheonix

    Harry and Hermione take the war head on set after book 5