Kage kioku aji tenshi

  • Brothers

    Harry liked to keep his professional life and his private life separate but when your boss is your brother then the lines of private and personal became blurred. Sherlock/Harry Potter crossover. Mycroft/Harry Pairing. John/Sherlock(Eventually). Sebastian/Jim. Lestrade/Molly. Past Mary/John(eventually) No happy ending. Sorry for the those who weren't warned, I wanted to get it up.

  • The Absent Missus Baggins

    Bilbo never married, but Frodo never knew that, and he never thought to ask.

  • Nightmare Child

    Harry never truly fear what dwelled in darkness, his entire life was filled with fear and his dreams were always nightmares of a highpitched laugh and a horrible green light, so when the man come out from under his bed he knows that this is the Nightmare King, all Pitch Black knows is that this child, this three year old is his only believer, his last dark light.

  • Perfectly Respectable

    His life didn't change much after he returned to the Shire, but his view of it had.

  • Not Mine

    Somewhere along the way Bilbo had fallen for Thorin, and somewhere along the way Thorin had fallen for Bofur.

  • Line Of Durin (Het Version)

    Azog knew the moment Bilbo stood before him, his gaze drifted to Bilbo's stomach before his lips showed his pointed smile; he looked at Bilbo's wide eyes. "So ends the Line of Durin." Inspired by this sentence, because come on Azog has to have a sixth sense about the Line of Durin. Het version, basically the same as the other one only Bilbo is Bilba and female.

  • Line Of Durin

    Azog knew the moment Bilbo stood before him, his gaze drifted to Bilbo's stomach before his lips showed his pointed smile; he looked at Bilbo's wide eyes. "So ends the Line of Durin." Inspired by this sentence, because come on Azog has to have a sixth sense about the Line of Durin. This is the Slash version, so Mpreg and slash. Don't like then go read the het version.

  • Flowers for Diamonds

    Diamonds may last forever, flowers may be fleeting, but everyday I'd rather you braid flowers in my hair because that time is something I'll cherish until I see you again, more than a weight about my neck. Hobbit, Bilbo/Thorin- Life after the battle.

  • For Him

    They said he did it for Camelot, Gwen said he did it for her, but Merlin knew that Lancelot sacrificed himself for him. Merlin/Lancelot implied Gwen/Arthur.

  • The Asset

    The first time Hydra awakens the Asset after his fall he remembers Steve.

  • Never Die

    Gandalf had lived longer than most people… for every person that he met and took Adventuring he wrote a book… a book in a language long forgotten… so at least their stories would never die.

  • Thoughts of Death

    Death has lived a long time and will continue for a while longer.

  • Flying

    It wasn't supposed to end this way. Major character Death implied.

  • Angel Kisses

    Freckles, his mother used to say, were the kisses of Angels and that he had so many because Angels were watching over him. Dean never believed it. Established Destiel.

  • Happy Holidays

    Now that he remembered her and the others, every Holiday he would make something that they had made when he had been alive and lay it on their graves. The Guardians never bothered to ask where he was so he never told them.

  • Snape's Son

    After Harry found out that Snape and his Mother had been friends and how his dad had treated Snape there were days that he wished Snape was his Dad instead of James.

  • Angel

    He didn't really exist, he was just there to help them.

  • Beware Hormonal Hobbits

    Bilbo is pregnant with Thorin's Baby, here are some of the FDwarrows' antics.