Etsuke Hansamora

  • Kiss of a Vampire

    After Raven and Alexander ran off into their sunset, they wanted to protect their family from the wrath of the Maxwells. Their descendants have been running and hiding from them for generations. Now their great great grandaughter, Anya Sterling, is falling for Hinder Maxwell, a human in a family of vampires.

  • Come to Light

    Fenri Black is Pitch's daughter. Then she sneaks out one night and meets Jack Frost. Fenri doesn't know how to have fun, until she starts hanging out with Jack and others that reveal themselves to her. Is there something between her and the Shadow King or not? And if Death has form, where is the missing Life?

  • Inuyasha's Forgotten Bonds

    Sesasha is the sister never spoken of. Dakuenjeru is the cousin that's out for blood. This is the story of the rest of Inuyasha's family, whom he comes to love and be close to again.

  • Phoenix Lestrange and the Curse of Blood

    This story takes place after Harry Potter has grown up and had his own children. The main character is Bellatrix Lestrange's niece. She is my own character, as are many of the witches and wizards she meets. This is all written to the best of my ability, since we don't actually know what houses the next generation kids are in.

  • Wonderland is Mad

    What if the creatures of Wonderland developed the ability to become human at will? What if the true Mad Hatter left, and asked a girl to take his place? What if Alice became a permanent figure in Wonderland? What if, no matter what, life in Wonderland must go on? It's a stranger world made stranger, as the characters and world you know and love take on a creative twist.

  • The Butler's Contract

    Ciel isn't the only kid in England with a demon butler. Ciel's childhood friend Daero Lebarithik makes a strange contract with Vivian, a mysterious demon seemingly without a past. Ciel and Daero are reunited through a promise they vowed to keep and Ciel's constant search. What will happen as each of their contracts come to completion, and their souls are to be taken?

  • Ayami, the Lost One

    What happens when a lost girl is found by the sand siblings, and becomes a ninja for Konoha? Will the girl see her new friends again? And why is it that she can only remember anything that's happened to her since she was ten, and her name?

  • Wicked

    Meet Nikolai, or Nik. She's dark, sarcastic, strange, and not exactly...human. And meet Christopher. He's mysterious, funny, creative, and, he's a hunter. When the two meet in a café one night, things could turn ugly... Sam, Dean, and Castiel enter the story in chapter 4. Destiel

  • Upbeats: Just Thought You Should Know

    With a week of Ouran Academy behind them, you'd think Furukia and Zakia Notoski could finally find something resembling normal. No such luck. Enjoy the budding romances and the laughs as things start to get better for all of the Notoskis, and life changing events occur for everyone. This is a sequel to So Cold They Burn: Thawing the Notoski Twins. *hint hint* Read that first.

  • So Cold They Burn: Thawing the Notoski Twins

    The Host Club has mistaken twin girls for boys, and after an accident, the twins become hosts. Haruhi realizes the twins are girls, but the others are convinced they are boys, except Kyoya, of course. When the Hitachiin twins stumble in on the twins changing, the secret is out. Then it's a mad scramble for the twins as they stumble after the Notoskis, trying to thaw their icy heart

  • Curse of the Zodiac

    With Yuki and Toru together, Kyo is left as a bit of a third wheel. He and Toru remain friends, he and Yuki still fight often, and he and people don't really mix. But Kyo has a crush on a second year girl, Rintori Nakunishi. She's very different from Toru, and Kyo is under the impression that she is like him, from what he's heard around school. But even he will find many surprises.