
  • Until It Stares Back

    Seven men, united by two things: an unsatiable thirst for life – and the sheer joy of killing. In short, a prequel how the Band of Seven came to be. Rating should be self-explanatory.

  • Uncharted Oceans

    Riku discovers that after coming back from death he has a new skill. Except he isn't all that sure if he likes it. Rated for a bit of language, this is otherwise harmless.

  • Beneath the Waves

    Oneshot, set after ST:IV. Slash, but really just fluff.

  • At the End of the Day

    Kind of conclusion to Fire but can stand alone just fine. Warning: SLASH and mind the rating.

  • Fire

    After their previous mission, Kirk and the others are finally sent to Vulcan - not only for their own good, but with a vague mission that just doesn't seem right. Last part of my Elements-series. Again, the first three are not required for understanding. Slash.

  • Since I am Myself My Own Fever

    After effectively and knowingly sabotaging his relationship with Spock, Leonard McCoy wants nothing more than to get back what he lost. Only Spock doesn't seem to feel the same way. Set between TMP and TWoK. I usually alter perspective, but here I stuck with Bones as mirror character throughout. Rated M for more than one reason.

  • Saviour

    Spock's in pon farr and it's being taken care of. Slash. Why do I even point this out? Spones, actually. Rated M for a reason. This is sex. Nothing more.

  • I am Your Destiny, I'm Your Cure

    Oneshot. Just before his and Spock's anniversary, Len realises that their relationship isn't quite as it used to be. Kind of AU simply because I couldn't fit it into a timeframe. Perhaps an instead-of-Gol scenario?

  • Masters of War

    The events on Inquisition have an impact on more than the few people we meet during the storyline. Fates interweave, bringing the Warden and a few other unexpected visitors to Skyhold. Can stand alone as an AU (details in Chapter 2), but is written as a sequel to By Any Other Name and Saving Us. The Inquisitor is a mage Lavellan. Rated M like the predecessors because of reasons.

  • The Rose on the Heath

    An attempt to tackle the aftermath of the forced meld in Mirror, Mirror. Rated T out of caution.

  • Imbecile Anthem

    Mirrorverse fic. My first, as it were. Rated M for language and non-con or dubious consent in the first chapter (and only there).

  • Cole - A child? Oh no

    Title says it. Spoilers and a rant inside. Non-fiction.

  • The Slip that Brought Me to My Knees

    After a session of intense lovemaking, Spock loses consciousness and doesn't seem to wake up. There's no apparent reason, and Leonard is at a complete loss for an answer. Contains slash. Lots of it.

  • Water

    Sequel to Air and Earth, but I'll make it readable as a stand-alone. I know I said I wouldn't bother, but here goes. The mission of our crew is to re-establish contact with an underwater species and to help if necessary. Doesn't sound like too much trouble. Except things are never simple.

  • Tomorrow's Menu Reads Forever

    PWP, really, if taken as it is. Or a decoupled chapter 2b of Water, but you can read it without context. Slash, sex, what else is there to say? Rated M, if that's not obvious.

  • Dreams of Loss

    A Spones fic I threatened to write. Five chapters, each after some certain point in time, set first in the prime universe and than at the same time in the mirror universe, showing the relationship between Spock and McCoy developing in both of them. Warning: Slash, and in parts very dark. And if I say that it's quite something. Rated M for all the reasons you can think of.

  • Fireproof

    So how did Alastor Moody get so damaged? How did he get the spare parts? And what on Earth is in his hipflask? This is a bit darkish, more so than I used to write back then (2004). As all the HP stuff, this is ancient.

  • A Deatheater Who Walked Free

    After HBP I tried to find a reason why the hell Snape killed Dumbledore. I refused to believe he's evil, and this is basically what I came up with. Written before DH, therefore very different.

  • When Sorry is Not Enough

    My take on why and how Snape got a job from Dumbledore, written long before DH came out - obviously I came up with something different. I can't be bothered to do too much editing to this, it's just too old for that.

  • Beasts of Prey

    So how exactly does an admission exam for the Auror office go? I've taken a few admission exams in my life, and I hate them with fervour. Here's Moody's as I imagined it loooong ago. I think this might even have been the first of the shorter HP-fics I wrote. I'll post them all soon. Ish. I name it humour because it's a bit cracky - another indicator that this is oooold.