
azure cuisine

  • Reverse Psychology

    Sometimes, the Dark Lord would come up with evil plans that left the entire Wizarding world reeling. This was not one of those plans. (Full title inside). Drabble. COMPLETE. Now with shiny new epilogue!

  • Wishing

    A dream is a poor substitute for reality. drabble, DM/HP. Warnings for slash. short, but COMPLETE.

  • Reverse Psychology: Turmoil

    Severus fed the Dark Lord an apple poisoned with basilisk venom, but he's not that easy to kill. Part 3 of the Reverse Psychology series. COMPLETE

  • Reverse Psychology: Subtlety

    The Dark Lord does not accept failure. Sequel to "Reverse Psychology," but can be read alone. WIP.

  • Heavenly James

    James can't move on until he completes one final task, but it takes a twist he'd never expected. DM/HP eventually , slash.

  • Envy

    Harry envies Ron just as much as Ron envies him. Two drabbles, not slash. COMPLETE

  • Molasses

    For some people love is like lighting, striking fast and hot. Charlie's love rolled over him like molasses, sweet and slow, and he didn't even notice until he was stuck. HPCW slash. COMPLETE

  • Desperation

    Harry can't stand the thought of losing anyone else after Sirius dies. Draco's world is shattered after Lucius is imprisoned. Can two lost souls help each other heal? Slash, DM/HP. Chapter 2 up.

  • Taking the Dare

    He really should know better than to trust anything created by the twins. DM/HP, slash. COMPLETE.