
  • Ridiculous Lesbians at Christmas

    Fluffy Christmas fic

  • Grayscale

    A story about how a single choice of a grandfather long dead changed the life of Hermione Jean Granger, and thus the whole wizarding world around her. Early Hermione/Fleur, later Hermione/Bellatrix

  • Revelations

    An exploration of Hermione and Fleur's relationship, as told from Hermione's point of view. Eventual D/s dynamic, H/f.

  • Forbidden Magic

    After the end of the war, Hermione is struggling to adapt to the monotony of everyday life. And certain experiences in the war have left her with thoughts that she doesn't quite know how to react to. Warnings for eventual F/F pairing and kink scenes.

  • Light Remains

    Post-War, Voldemort is gone but so are two of the Golden Trio, and nothing is back to normal. How will Hermione navigate an oppressive society, as acting head of the order in a world where nobody seems to remember that there are still things left to fight for? Multiple F/F pairings (don't like don't read) potentially Fleurmione endgame but I'm not sure yet