
  • Hello, Goodbye

    Hermione doesn't feel like she belongs in the wizarding world any more. And one day, at her local muggle coffee shop, she meets someone else who feels the same way.

  • The Missing Scene IV - After the Victory Tour

    Part IV of The Missing Scene Series: Katniss comes back to from the Victory Tour to a slightly different Haymitch than she was expecting. Reviews are love!

  • When Things Changed

    What happened when the Doctor regenerated into his 10th form and how he felt about Rose during that time. Crap summary, but much better writing, promise! Read & Review Please!

  • Another Side of You

    A glimpse into the life of Kevin Ryan and Kate Beckett. Just some fluff, but it was wonderful to write! Please read and enjoy! Read & Review! ...or else the Review Gods will smite you!

  • Edge of Effectiveness

    Father Mulcahy has never felt very effective, but finally has a prayer answered in the form of a young Major looking for spiritual guidance...and maybe more? PLEASE READ & REVIEW! I love my reviewers.

  • It Was Always Marie

    A rewrite of X-Men Days of Future Past to explain why our beloved pairing wasn't together in the movie. Rogan. Read & Review! Reviews are like candy; so sweet!

  • A Life in Afterwards

    The life of Severus Snape as seen in poem form.

  • Flarpy Blunderguff: The Many Uses of Cheetohs

    Garcia betrays JJ's confidence about a few indiscretions...but who with? JJ/Hotch pairing. PLEASE READ & REVIEW! If you've seen the most recent episode of Criminal Minds, you will understand the title.

  • The Missing Scene III - During the Victory Tour

    Part III of The Missing Scene Series: Katniss has nightmares, but only person kept them away for her...and it wasn't Peeta.

  • The Missing Scene II - Balcony, Stage, Train, & Home

    Part II of The Missing Scene Series: Some more missing scenes between Katniss and Haymitch that further explain their dynamic and about how it changed so suddenly.

  • Amortentia's Truth

    A little potions accident and several incidences later has some interesting consequences for Severus Snape and Hermione Granger... R&R! RERATED M

  • Seventeen Years

    SEQUEL to "I Will Be" Please read that story first for reference! What exactly happened to Severus Snape during those long years away from the world of magic? PLEASE READ & REIVEW!

  • Sweet and Low

    Everything wasn't exactly what it seemed for the past few years of Hermione's life... PLEASE READ AND REVIEW!

  • Subconscious

    Sherlock and Mary have a conversation just two days before the wedding. Sherlock suspects something isn't right about Mary. Mary doesn't deny it. Contains SPOILERS for S2 and S3.

  • What River Saw

    River Song ends up in a timeline that she's never seen before, where a man in a black leather jacket runs around the universe holding hands with a short blonde shop-girl. READ & REVIEW! Much better than it sounds, one of my best to date.

  • The Missing Scene V - On the Hovercraft

    Another moment that wasn't caught by either the author or the director...but it exists. Please enjoy!

  • A Rogue Photographer

    Eli Quail is a photographer for the Capitol...and he happens to see something that no one else does. Between two very unlikely people.

  • Feeling Something Real

    She makes him feel something real.

  • Note by Note

    Katniss is keeping an eye on Haymitch after everything is over and discovers something about him that she never knew... (she never marries Peeta, he's off in District 4) Read & Review! Reviews are love!

  • Cop Car

    Maria has cancelled on Michael, yet again, so Liz volunteers to spend the evening with him...and somehow, handcuffs end up becoming involved in it, as well. Read & Review! Love my reviewers!