

  • Drabbles of the Bering and Wells Variety

    A collection of drabbles that follows Myka's and Helena's paths through different stages of life. Variable universes.

  • Endgame

    One-shot prompted from a conversation in which Pyka happens but Bering and Wells is endgame

  • A New Type of Date Night

    One shot following the prompt from imagineberingandwells: "Imagine Bering and Wells being forced to visit a metal concert with Claudia."

  • Say Something

    One shot set at the end of Instinct: Helena and Myka say goodbye

  • To the Ministry

    This is a separate upload to a chapter of Drabbles of the WeasleyGranger Variety which is a collection of drabbles of my favourite wizarding family. I chose to upload this on its own because Hugo deserves some individual love too.

  • Drabbles of the WeasleyGranger Variety

    This is going to be a collection of drabbles that pop into my mind at random moments, especially when I should be studying. Ron/Hermione/Hugo/Rose centered. R&R. Happy reading!

  • A Talk with the Weasleys

    This is a Scorpius and Rose fic; although it has a bit of a twist to it. Author note has the explanation behind it. Don't forget to review. Scorpius/Rose, Ron/Hermione Rating: K plus for language, nothing major.

  • That Someone

    Hermione and Ron go at it once more. This is after Ron returned in DH. Inspired by the song Something by Escape the Fate. K plus : mild language. I've decided to extend the fic. I am currently working on the next chapter.

  • What About Me, Auntie?

    A small James Potter II asks his aunt a unexpected question. One-shot. I hope you like it!

  • Mind Over Matter

    He wouldn't be able to tell her that he noticed everything about her – except the fact that she noticed him the same way he noticed her. Annoying paradox isn't it?

  • Blasted Dreams

    After the battle is finished Ron and Hermione still feel its effects. Crappy summary, hopefully not so crappy story. Rated T for violence. Hope you enjoy.