
  • The Monster

    "We're heading for The Three Broomsticks' grate, so just step in and say Hogsmeade very clearly...Hermione, have you ever used Floo before?" Hermione shook her head, and as he explained to her exactly how to do it, she was reminded with painful awareness of exactly how good of a teacher he was. It was easy to forget how difficult the life of a werewolf was.

  • Keep Each Other Safe

    When he is Remus Lupin, he has one person at a time. When he is Romulus, he has everyone. And so Potterwatch is born.

  • Two Days After Easter

    When one is an unemployed werewolf struggling to earn enough to buy food, let alone pay rent, one does not pay much attention to the holiday season. If he had bothered to look at a calendar, Remus Lupin would not have dared to enter Diagon Alley two days after Easter.

  • Epiphany

    "I've already seen dragons, you know," said George. "During the Triwizard Tournament." "You've seen a show," said Charlie. "I want to show you dragons." George had never expected to come to terms with Fred's death like this.

  • Wanderings with Werewolves

    Harry is entering his second year at Hogwarts, prompting Dumbledore to find a suitable replacement for Quirrell...and when the only applicant is Gilderoy Lockhart, he decides to do something about it. So, of course, he contacts the only person he can think of: Remus Lupin.

  • The Light of the Moon

    Ginny Weasley is fighting in a bastion of learning, but it is not the books that comfort her.

  • Loyalty

    "It just goes to show you never can tell." Remus's job troubles lead to him and James talking something deeper at the root of his unhappiness.

  • Just Loghain

    In the decade he'd been with the Grey Wardens, he'd even sent on a wide variety of tasks. The only task he truly relished was recruiting.

  • Sharp Edges

    There was more to Jethann than met the eye. Anders/Jethann

  • The Drunkard and The Old Man

    When he had first met the man so many years ago, when he was the Hero of River Dane still, the resemblance to Maric had been uncanny. Now there was almost none of that in the unwashed, unshaven drunkard before him.

  • It Was Nothing

    When they were young it was so easy. Maric/Loghain

  • Rarities

    Her mother had told her once, long ago, that friends were a great joy. Her father had said that friends were as rare as Crumple-Horned Snorkacks and that they should be treasured. Luna had always had difficulty with the whole concept.

  • Pariah

    He would call it irony, if he wasn't so sick of using the term. Loghain as a Grey Warden in Orlais.

  • Finally

    Parvati wants a date for the Yule Ball- and it's not Harry.

  • Peace

    Albus shook his head, half-moon glasses glinting. Being here, in this place, was the only time that ever put him at a loss for words. Known all over the world for his diplomacy, his skill with words, he lost it all in Nurmengard.

  • Remusella

    When the love of Sirius Black's life ran away, all he could find was a single loafer. Cinderella AU

  • Weathered

    Luna Lovegood was going to be alone on New Year's Eve...or so she thought. Instead, she runs into an old acquaintance. Takes place in 2041.

  • War-Torn

    Ron and Hermione are cleaning out the Department of Magical Transportation after the war. It feels like some fights never end.

  • Morsmordre

    Teddy has been having problems with going into the Restricted Section at school; Harry decides to help him out the only way the Chosen One knows how. Teach him a little Dark Magic to get his mind off it.

  • Deserving

    Bertha Jorkins did not deserve what was coming to her. Tom Marvolo Riddle did.